nutrition advice from 'cosmetic' to get beautiful hair taken Article 'Best Diet for Healthy Hair' to Vinay Gupta on web magazine :
" Eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, so take every day, the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals. Particularly important are vitamin B2, biotin, vitamin C and zinc.
also eats many foods rich in iron. Anaemia or iron deficiency can cause considerable damage to the structure of the hair.
Iron is found in lean red meat, in green leafy vegetables, eggs, bread and grains. Even figs, plums and apricots are good sources of iron. Vitamin C, present in citrus fruits (orange, grapefruit, lemon and lime), is necessary because the body absorb iron from sources other than meat. To this should add the citrus fruit with meals that include foods rich in iron.
Then, you must ingest the right amount of protein. Proteins are the cell and may also contain those amino acids that are particularly essential for hair growth. Among these, cystine, cysteine, methionine, arginine and lysine. They are found in meat, fish, poultry, dairy and eggs.
If you are vegetarian, you can also take from soybeans, from the nuts, seeds and grains (though you may need a protein supplement). The nutritionists believe that at least 15% of calories should come from protein foods.
A scheme dietetico molto limitativo può avere effetti negativi sulla crescita dei capelli. Può provocare l'interruzione del normale ciclo del capello e può succedere che ci sia una notevole caduta. Ma tornando ad una routine alimentare sana, i capelli ricominciano a crescere normalmente...
Per concludere , se vuoi avere una capigliatura sana, devi investire in una buona alimentazione, con il giusto apporto di proteine, grassi e vitamine, che comprenda anche vitamine e minerali".