Tuesday, April 29, 2008

What Countries Do U Fine Everclear

recognized by many miracles occurred at Lourdes Church in the last 10 years? How many birds die each year

Over the past 10 years have occurred in Lourdes 2 miracles recognized by the Church.

What criteria must be respected to ensure that the incident is considered a miracle?
that must comply with 7 points :
1. that the disease is severe, incurable or difficult to treat.
2. Secondly, it should overcome the disease is not all’ultimo stadio o al punto da poter guarire spontaneamente.
3. Occorre che nessun farmaco sia stato impiegato, o, se impiegato, che ne sia stata accertata la mancanza di effetti.
4. bisogna che la guarigione avvenga all’improvviso ed istantaneamente
5. è necessario che la guarigione sia perfetta, e non difettosa o parziale.
6. bisogna che ogni escrezione o crisi degne di nota siano avvenute a tempo debito, ragionevolmente in dipendenza di una causa accertata, precedentemente alla guarigione; in tale eventualità la guarigione non sarebbe da considerare prodigiosa, ma piuttosto, totalmente o parzialmente naturale.
7. bisogna che la malattia debellata non si riproduca

C'e' un passaggio fondamentale tra scienza e fede?
Sì, prima che il miracolo passi in esame, bisogna che venga dichiarato dalla scienza evento inspiegabile, e pertanto misterioso.

Quale è stato il primo miracolo avvenuto negli ultimi 10 anni?
Il primo miracolo riconosciuto in questi ultimi 10 anni , è avvenuto nel 1987, tale Pierre Bely, gli era stata diagnosticata la sclerosi a placche ad evoluzione rapida, ed era col tempo rimasto immobilizzato a letto, soffrendo peraltro di parestesie e di incontinenza urinaria. Al terzo giorno di pellegrinaggio, si accorse del recupero della sensibilità e della capacità di movimento, tanto che fu in grado di lasciare Lourdes con le proprie sitting legs and travel.

The second miracle recognized in the past 10 years in Lourdes?
Anna Santaniello had severe heart disease following acute rheumatic arthritis. Presents a serious and permanent dyspnea with serious difficulty in speaking and inability to walk.
In August 1952, made his trip to Lourdes, accompanied on a stretcher.
3 days later he was taken to the Baths on a stretcher. She returned alone (self). That same evening, participated in the torchlight Marian procession.

Why so few people declared a miracle in this year?
While science can be said that a miraculous event not explained and it all ends there, for what concerns the Church, rather to say that God intervened, and is something that is for eternity, therefore, obvious that there is caution on this.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Coral Like Skin Growth

bumping into buildings?

It is estimated that each year in the U.S. alone, dying about 100 million birds, it is estimated that annually lose their lives each building a bird .

Why birds crashing into windows?
The danger to birds is derived mainly from two factors, some windows reflect the surrounding environment, and this may reflect trees and vegetation in general that may trarre in inganno i volatili, mentre il secondo fattore deriva dal fatto che spesso le lastre di vetro essendo trasparenti, fanno vedere 'dall'altra parte' e quindi gli uccelli vedono gli alberi presenti dall'altra parte del palazzo...non percependo pertanto l'ostacolo del vetro.
Inoltre, oltre al discorso delle finestre in vetro, un altro discorso da considerare sono le sorgenti luminose, gli uccelli sono attirati dalla luce artificiale che proviene dalle città o dalle sorgenti luminose collocate sulle vette delle montagne. In condizioni naturali, invece, la luna e le stelle sono le uniche sorgenti luminose notturne che li aiutano a trovare la strada . Gli uccelli soprattutto quelli più giovani, a causa di questo perdono i propri reference points, and are victims of this.
be added that there is also another type of disturbance. This is the powerful beam of light emanating from projectors or advertising in the headlights facing the sky, which can scare the birds.

In Italy many birds are killed each year, bumping into buildings?
It is estimated that some 25 million birds die each year.

What to do if a bird hit my window and was injured?
should put the bird in a cardboard box with air holes and keep it in the dark. After about 1-2 hours carry it outside and let the bird fly. If you do not take flight, take it to the station cura per gli uccelli più vicina o a un veterinario.

Per quello che riguarda le barriere antirumore in autostrada, cosa si può fare per risolvere il problema?
per i nuovi progetti occorre evitare l’utilizzo del vetro e impiegare invece legno o alluminio; per le strutture già in funzione invece bisogna applicare sulle superfici trasparenti le speciali sagome anticollisione volatili .

Friday, April 25, 2008

Inviatation Message For Grah Pravesh

as they originate the so-called "Circles of Light"?

Dopo i cerchi di grano , un altro enigma sta appassionando i 'cacciatori del paranormale' , ovvero i 'cerchi di luce' , vediamo di approfondire l'argomento, cercando di trarre possibili conclusioni sulla loro origine.

When was the first time this phenomenon?
The first sighting of circles of light in 1988, the first been interested in this phenomenon were Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Australia and Argentina. To date, there were approximately 100,000 cases.

Where can I see a movie where I see this phenomenon?
This address is a video of youtube , where you see the different circles of light projected onto a building ... then the picture moving and see what creates this effect ...

When you show these images?
Usually these images occur when the sky is clear e il sole molto luminoso

Chi si pensa possa creare questo fenomeno?
Ci sono varie supposizioni su chi possa creare questo fenomeno , alcuni dicono che sia un messaggio degli alieni con un incontro prossimamente con la loro civiltà, altri con la prossima seconda venuta in terrà di Gesu Cristo.
In realtà un articolo su Focus ha svelato ogni dubbio, gran parte dei cerchi di luce non erano nient'altro che riflessi delle finestre colpite dal sole . Nonostante ciò , molte persone continuano a credere che tutto questo in realtà abbia una origine paranormale, soprattutto perchè alcuni cerchi di luce non hanno rilevato una sorgente luminosa da cui avvenivano queste proiezioni.

Industry experts in what they see paranormal origin?
Some experts say that the extreme brightness should in theory lead to breaking windows and windows that reflect them, not to mention that the angle perpendicular to the sun raises the question of how light can bounce from side to side of roads and buildings.

Where can I see the photo of Circles of Light?
A German this address, so many pictures and links of circles of light.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Signs He Has Lost Interest

E 'on the Internet, a site where I can buy or sell items for free?

There is a site, www.freecycle.org , which is a great virtual marketplace in which anyone can buy and sell items for FREE.

because the birth of this site?
The site www.freecycle.org, born in Arizona in 2003, aims to prevent goods still useful and functioning to end up in landfills , so in addition to reducing the consumption goods are produced less , minimizes the negative impact that waste has on the environment.

How many members?
Members are about 4.9 million around the globe, for a total of more than 4,300 cities.

What rules must comply with the sellers?
objects described in the messages posted on the site must be offered free of charge, allowed by law and are suitable for all ages.

There are groups in Italy where I can get more information?
Yes, there are groups in Italy, in the following cities: Aosta - Bari - Bologna - Brescia - Cagliari - Firenze - Ivrea - Lecce - Milan - Rome - Savona - Teramo - Torino - Vicenza .

What material can I find for sale?
You can find various things, chairs, televisions, sofas, bicycles, computers and old items that may be considered by some collectors.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Haircolour And Rosacia

What are the methods that use the criminals to rob motorists? So that I can be on your toes ...

è un fenomeno in aumento, in strada certi delinquenti escogitano metodi per fermare il conducente e rapinarlo. Vediamo quali sono questi metodi, noi di http://ilfiltro.blogspot.com vi riportiamo oltre al metodo, anche i link alle esperienze dirette degli automobilisti, e vi consigliamo di visitarli. Speriamo che con queste notizie possiate evitare di avere spiacevoli conseguenze in futuro.

Quale è la 'truffa del finto incidente'?
Solitamente questo metodo viene utilizzato in autostrada quando una persona è in manovra di sorpasso, la vittima sente un rumore provenire dalla fiancata destra,come se avesse urtato con lo specchietto un'altra automobile. Alle spalle si inizia to see a car flashing .. so that 'the victim' thinks he accidentally rammed. The reality is that the car has launched the following items of metal or rubber bands that cause this noise. The car that follows the sign to pull over and stop civilian casualties ahead. At that point the other car, down the false "accident" and thus calls for € 50-100 over two feet, showing the rear view mirror broken. And of course without the need for vigilance or insurance forms. If it goes wrong there '... the second method provides instead a robbery itself, usually with a knife in hand.

accidents to take possession of the buffered medium?
may happen that for impossessarsi di un ciclomotore, i malviventi la colpiscano con la propria macchina , poi con lo scooter a terra, uno dei malviventi in macchina, scenda e scappa con lo scooter colpito, con la povera vittima a terra.

Quale è il cosidetto furto con il "trucco dello specchietto" ?
Il malvivente è a bordo di uno scooter insieme ad un suo 'collegato, urtano lo specchietto retrovisore sul lato guida di una automobile, solitamente ferma al semaforo e di grossa cilindrata. Appena il conducente abbassato il finestrino, il secondo malvivente gli strappa l'orologio dal polso.

Il trucco dei 'finti poliziotti'?
All'uscita di un locale, delle people, even sometimes in civilian clothes, posing as police officers, first ask for documents ... then beat and rob the victim.

How to avoid having problems? First
immediately call 113 (police), also trying to write down the license number of the car that hit us. On the highway when these things happen, also recommend that instead of stopping along the roadside restaurants along the emergency lane, if possible, as the flow of people and greater opportunity to meet law enforcement agency.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Create Tamil Wedding Invitation

What are the most curious of aircraft delays occurred? There

often happens that some planes are late. We see the curious, who can be found on the net ...

A plane late for a Gucci bag?
Yes, in 2006 for a flight to Hong Kong has been delayed for over an hour because a passenger was refusing to put her Gucci handbag under the seat.

A plane late for a hat-shared ..?
E 'success in 2007, on a flight to Marrakech , two Moroccans who were passengers, have begun to discuss, one of them claimed that the other had occupied the space reserved for his hand luggage. Beatings and insults flew. Result? 6 hours late.

The plane is late ... but if Schumacher driving a taxi ...
In 2007, Schumacher is on board a taxi with his family , according to the terminal going to Cobourg.Però according to weather, late arrival and the plane is already taking off. The champion Formula 1 driver to be able to make calls at the wheel. Result? Scalo reached in record time and took off!

If there is no toner in the fax ...
E 'success due to lack of toner fax, or via a paper jam, an Alitalia flight has started with a delay of several hours ...

If I want to make a hobby while I wait for the plane late?
there a site that offers leisure complex .. to this address http://www.travelinsight.it/blog/aereo_in_ritardo_no_problem_ec.html
The Civil Aviation Authority has drawn up a list with the reasons for the delayed aircraft . They are as follows: Delays
"derivatives" or "consequential damages" from 45.3 to 63% of the total.
Problems of air traffic from 16.6 to 18.3% from 12.0 to 13.7%
Ground services
technical cause 4.2 to 6.8% from 4.0 to 31.3%
Supply 3 0.2 to 8, 4% from 3.0 to 4.6%

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Funny Wording For Wedding Invitation Templates

' was a person stuck in elevator for several hours and taken by the camera?

E 'happened to Nicholas White, mid-October of 1999, was trapped in an elevator for 40 hours , Always under the watchful eye of the camera.

How did you resist so much time inside the cabin?
Apart from the many attempts to get help, fruitless, he did so first of all to remain calm, doing exercises in concentration. Moreover, it was lying on the bed (to get time ...) and has absolutely smoked, to avoid obviously intoxicated to remain.

Where can I find the video of the person trapped in an elevator for 41 hours?
At this address, the security camera footage of taking over the trapped person.

in Italy and later experience Similarly, about people trapped in an elevator?
Yes, in 2001, elderly couple were trapped for 8 days in the elevator.

Italy is famous throughout the world about the elevators?
Yes, Italy is the country in the world with more lifts , there are about 800,000. More than the U.S., you were expecting?

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Panty Girdle With Suspenders

There 's something that can absorb electromagnetic waves of the pc? If

Yes, there is a plant which is said to be able to absorb electromagnetic waves. This plant is a cactus and the species is Cereus peruvianus , also known as "network of Hartmann."

What are the problems you have to stay too long near sources that emit electromagnetic waves?
are several problems: headaches, aggression, loss of vitality, decreased sexual activity, loss of appetite, cardiovascular disorders, chest pain, abnormal menstrual cycle in women, lens opacity, retinal lesions ealterazione of the cornea and various other symptoms.

As we come to this conclusion?
All that is 'active' emits vibrations and these vibrations are measured in Armstrong. A Man for example emits about 6,500 Armstrong, it has a lower value when you are not in shape.
It has been noted, these plants , this particular species and placed in rooms with electromagnetic equipment (monitor, TV, microwave ...), reported the value of vibrations from 3000 Armstrong (value in the appliances switched on room) at 8000 Armstrong (value instead of a room should always have to be optimal), with benefits in humans.

Who made positive statements on the use of this plant?
Blanche Mertz, president of the Institute of Geobiology of Chardonne investigations, in a workshop on Geobiology, which confirmed the benefits of this plant. Specifying that it is not necessary to place a large cactus, the top would also have only a 40-cm high and 6 faces, because when he faces 5 the result is reduced by 25%.

The custom of putting this map near the monitor is used?
In the offices of the New York Stock Exchange, the employees who spent much time in front of computer accusing headaches and extreme fatigue, have the impression that with the arrival of these maps are fat, you feel much better mentally and physically.

If I wanted to try to see if this works?
must obtain a cactus Cereus peruvianus and place it close to the screen (whether TV or PC) or close of any electrical appliance. And then see if you really feel the benefits ... I recommend you also remember to treat him, the Cereus peruvianus be watered once a month during the winter, plenty of once a week but at other times.

If anyone has experience with this plan and wants to write in comments if you have heard or not the benefits, so gather your impressions ...