often happens that some planes are late. We see the curious, who can be found on the net ...
A plane late for a Gucci bag?
Yes, in 2006 for a flight to Hong Kong has been delayed for over an hour because a passenger was refusing to put her Gucci handbag under the seat.
A plane late for a hat-shared ..?
E 'success in 2007, on a flight to Marrakech , two Moroccans who were passengers, have begun to discuss, one of them claimed that the other had occupied the space reserved for his hand luggage. Beatings and insults flew. Result? 6 hours late.
The plane is late ... but if Schumacher driving a taxi ...
In 2007, Schumacher is on board a taxi with his family , according to the terminal going to Cobourg.PerĂ² according to weather, late arrival and the plane is already taking off. The champion Formula 1 driver to be able to make calls at the wheel. Result? Scalo reached in record time and took off!
If there is no toner in the fax ...
E 'success due to lack of toner fax, or via a paper jam, an Alitalia flight has started with a delay of several hours ...
If I want to make a hobby while I wait for the plane late?
there a site that offers leisure complex .. to this address http://www.travelinsight.it/blog/aereo_in_ritardo_no_problem_ec.html
The Civil Aviation Authority has drawn up a list with the reasons for the delayed aircraft . They are as follows: Delays
"derivatives" or "consequential damages" from 45.3 to 63% of the total.
Problems of air traffic from 16.6 to 18.3% from 12.0 to 13.7%
Ground services
technical cause 4.2 to 6.8% from 4.0 to 31.3%
Supply 3 0.2 to 8, 4% from 3.0 to 4.6%
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