salad for winter feasts
But what if the cake preferissimo a good salad? It seems gone into disuse, it was spoken some time ago with her , the menus can not find anything, if all goes well you have strawberries and cream, even in January ... or some exotic fruit flavors that far from your waste naturally without thinking, but their safety in case the customer "break" the p. .. and with these demands of the past seems to be a sad slice of pineapple in a huge pot where he had slipped as the skis on the skin but can also be worse .... I got a salad shamelessly from the jar and ruin the end of the lunch ...... you just have to have it!! And given the festive period is perhaps the case to give a presentation worthy of being brought to the table with a trendy look ^_______^
And with this alternative to Panettone that I have literally seen .... and even tried ;-)) there I wish you to HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
for 4 Ingredients: 2 limes, 3 + 2 clementines, 1 granny smith green apple, apple 2 small red or pink lady annurca or otherwise sour taste, a small pear rust a bunch of pink, a kiwi or two, a small navel orange, juice of two oranges, one lemon, a piece of cinnamon 5 cm., 2 cloves, two star anise, a teaspoon of vanilla extract, a small glass of limoncello liqueur to taste or other, two glasses of sparkling wine or dry white wine, two tablespoons of vanilla flavored sugar + more to taste., nuts, mascarpone. Possibly la frutta biologica.
Preparazione : lavare bene tutta la frutta, staccare gli acini dell'uva, tagliare le mele e la pera affettandole per intero e togliendo solo la parte vicino al picciolo, affettare anche l'arancia, un lime, i kiwi e i 3 mandaranci, spruzzare con il limone la frutta e sistemarla in una ciotola di vetro cominciando a mettere tutt'intorno gli acini d'uva continuare sistemando le fette degli agrumi più piccoli appoggiandoli alle pareti, aggiungere poi le fette delle mele e della pera più grandi e riempire anche al centro di modo che la frutta si sostenga a vicenda ma che si veda. Spremere 2 mandaranci, le 2 arance da spremuta e il lime rimasto conservando le bucce.
Mettere focus on the 350 gr. about water with two spoonfuls of sugar, add the squeezed juice, cinnamon, cloves, star anise, vanilla and bring to a boil, let boil for 5 minutes, then turn off and leave to infuse.
Take the peels of citrus fruit with a sharp cut boxcutter using the white part of the way that is usually used to fillet fish, skin that is holding the "slip with the knife for long. then cut the peel into julienne strips and boil for a few seconds, drain them and pass them under cold water. Dab with a cloth and place in a large frying pan, so that they can be spread on medium heat lasciando per un minuto ad asciugare rigirandole, poi ricoprirle di zucchero e lasciarle caramellare. Sistemate su un vassoio o piatto piano una base di zucchero dove andrete a posare le bucce una volta raffreddate rigirandole per bene.
Passare con un colino l'infusione e aggiungere un bicchierino di limoncello e due bicchieri di prosecco, versate nella ciotola della frutta. Sistemate poi le coppe con i frutti e un po' del succo, aggiungendo un cucchiaino di mascarpone ( non si vede perchè ricoperto dalle scorzette, ma c'è, forse è meglio un cucchiaio invece che un cucchiaino) in cui tuffare l'acino d'uva, e le bucce caramellate, solo all'ultimo put some 'coarse grain of hazelnuts.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
How To Fix The Toshiba Mouse
pumpkin and chestnuts
At this time there is a grand'affare in the kitchens of the blogosphere, even looking at the cover, it comes to dinners in all the magazines and badarci, same thing on TV, the windows of delis are like the sirens of Ulysses emanating their song soothing sound of a violin-shaped tortellini and pork sausages ...... to me this thing, however, triggers a feeling of satiety not only visually, right in the stomach and passes me is the desire to cook than to eat, we believe that is the time when I start to "diet" without trying it? Of course that's just my perception of the period of cooking time you put the turbo as well to your stove and enjoy it if you do not create my own Paturnie, I maybe some time that the fasting tasty little things you feel, I'll come browse what's coming to your table.
The pumpkin cake is very versatile though and we can cook in the first is as a condiment and as a filling, but at least I use it also as a side dish of potatoes and in the same way as its characteristic sweet could turn up their nose to those who love the savory flavors, the aromas dress with abundant flavor and slightly stronger in order to counter the sweet and meet the wishes of all.
In this case, then you can even eat the peel, as long as healthy and well washed, preferably organic as mine. The chestnuts themselves are very tasty and they make a good marriage, for example
This was the outline of a slice of grilled chicken served simply, and if it is light, pumpkin and chestnuts are part of the satiating and full-bodied dish.
Ingredients: one medium pumpkin (I used a valance), a pack of chestnuts, 1 tablespoon coriander seeds 1 tablespoon fennel seeds 1 tablespoon dried oregano, 1 / 2 tablespoon salt, pepper Dry to taste, a sprinkle of cinnamon, oil, salt.
Preparation: Choose a pumpkin from the skin healthy and free from bruises, (preferably organic) and wash it well first half and then cut it into slices. Scooping the seeds and set them aside for an aperitif. Put the seeds in a blender, chilli, salt and blend together, leaving the rough. Pour it over slices of pumpkin, sprinkle with cinnamon, add the chestnuts and oil well together, now would be the ideal mix with your hands so that all parts of the pumpkin flavor, but if you decide to use an alternative two spoons.
Bake at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes or until the pumpkin is tender.
At this time there is a grand'affare in the kitchens of the blogosphere, even looking at the cover, it comes to dinners in all the magazines and badarci, same thing on TV, the windows of delis are like the sirens of Ulysses emanating their song soothing sound of a violin-shaped tortellini and pork sausages ...... to me this thing, however, triggers a feeling of satiety not only visually, right in the stomach and passes me is the desire to cook than to eat, we believe that is the time when I start to "diet" without trying it? Of course that's just my perception of the period of cooking time you put the turbo as well to your stove and enjoy it if you do not create my own Paturnie, I maybe some time that the fasting tasty little things you feel, I'll come browse what's coming to your table.
The pumpkin cake is very versatile though and we can cook in the first is as a condiment and as a filling, but at least I use it also as a side dish of potatoes and in the same way as its characteristic sweet could turn up their nose to those who love the savory flavors, the aromas dress with abundant flavor and slightly stronger in order to counter the sweet and meet the wishes of all.
In this case, then you can even eat the peel, as long as healthy and well washed, preferably organic as mine. The chestnuts themselves are very tasty and they make a good marriage, for example
This was the outline of a slice of grilled chicken served simply, and if it is light, pumpkin and chestnuts are part of the satiating and full-bodied dish.
Ingredients: one medium pumpkin (I used a valance), a pack of chestnuts, 1 tablespoon coriander seeds 1 tablespoon fennel seeds 1 tablespoon dried oregano, 1 / 2 tablespoon salt, pepper Dry to taste, a sprinkle of cinnamon, oil, salt.
Preparation: Choose a pumpkin from the skin healthy and free from bruises, (preferably organic) and wash it well first half and then cut it into slices. Scooping the seeds and set them aside for an aperitif. Put the seeds in a blender, chilli, salt and blend together, leaving the rough. Pour it over slices of pumpkin, sprinkle with cinnamon, add the chestnuts and oil well together, now would be the ideal mix with your hands so that all parts of the pumpkin flavor, but if you decide to use an alternative two spoons.
Bake at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes or until the pumpkin is tender.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Beautiful Agony Sounds
tasty baked sweet potato in salted version
This recipe was really delicious surprise, when I read here, I immediately thought it was an original way to enjoy this sweet potato I like it, but at the same time I find cloying after a few mouthfuls.
A very simple recipe but very fragrant, from the bottom of Sonia I then added two different spices, the tonka bean a nice lady gave me and ginger powder.
It seems perfect to participate in the contest - Putting down roots - to Labna .
Ingredients , sweet potatoes, 2 or 3 tablespoons oil and 2 or 3 tablespoons of soy sauce for each potato, (depending on size) a tablespoon of powdered ginger, 1 grated tonka bean, a pinch of dried chilli powder to taste.
Preparation: Cut the potatoes into thick slices, emulsify two liquids with spices and brush the slices on both sides, pour the remaining sauce over the slices resting in an ovenproof dish. Preheat oven to 200 degrees and bake for 30 minutes, or until they are golden and tender.
This recipe was really delicious surprise, when I read here, I immediately thought it was an original way to enjoy this sweet potato I like it, but at the same time I find cloying after a few mouthfuls.
A very simple recipe but very fragrant, from the bottom of Sonia I then added two different spices, the tonka bean a nice lady gave me and ginger powder.
It seems perfect to participate in the contest - Putting down roots - to Labna .
Ingredients , sweet potatoes, 2 or 3 tablespoons oil and 2 or 3 tablespoons of soy sauce for each potato, (depending on size) a tablespoon of powdered ginger, 1 grated tonka bean, a pinch of dried chilli powder to taste.
Preparation: Cut the potatoes into thick slices, emulsify two liquids with spices and brush the slices on both sides, pour the remaining sauce over the slices resting in an ovenproof dish. Preheat oven to 200 degrees and bake for 30 minutes, or until they are golden and tender.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
ยามาฮ่า Dt 250
to start .....
guest home and pulled up a nice evening in the small hours and yet all beautiful ...... Arzilli MBE, maybe it's a bit 'too much, not really all, someone has done sipping sipping the small eyes, but the excuse was that the dinner was not to drive ......... I photographed only the starting point, and only for the fact that I prepared in advance, , the rest I do not seem appropriate to do so, there are still so obsessed with the blog ^______^
Dinner is thus initiated with these pieces of cheese, the idea I found on salt and pepper.
They are easy to prepare and they can be prepared several hours before as well as being tasty and well presented it could be a starter worthy of a Christmas table.
The slightly spicy mustard due to mustard, it will give a nice touch of color, while a drop of gelatin amarone sull'erborinato gorgonzola seemed a good combination of flavors.
Ingredients for 6 / 8 people : 500 gr. of ricotta cheese, 60 gr. Gorgonzola cheese, 80 gr. parmesan cheese, some fruit and whole mustard mustard in particular cherries (better buy in bulk so as to choose the fruits, or this is a good product) 3 walnuts, 60 oz. Mimolette of that found in well-stocked delicatessens this type (information for Verona) a few teaspoon of jelly amarone .
Preparation: 1) mix with half the ricotta cheese and grated Mimolette, take a round cutters and after passing it with a little oil in it (I used a brush, but enough to anoint a finger on the edge and move) to include compacting the cheese and press gently remove the mold. Put a cherry drained from the syrup and a candied fig on each slice of prepared packaged in a small paper cups (from cupcake) if you can find white chromatically yields more, I failed to see around.
2) mix the other half with ricotta, gorgonzola, slightly softened (20 seconds in the microwave) to make this cream, use a square cutters prepared and the portions (with the method explained above). Open the nuts so that the halves remain intact, even in the middle and spezzatele posatene part over the cream cheese, affiancateci a parmesan cheese and pour a teaspoon of jelly amarone.
Bon appetit
Monday, December 6, 2010
When Is The Best Time Book International Flight
crackers, paprika and curry
was a long time I wanted to attempt in the Bill of crackers, but I had to find a recipe that I would make it not too complicated, the book is looking similar on the Web, however, often recipe calls for yeast and its timing, and I expected to be on standby I did not want to.
I decided for a classic flour, water, oil and salt. In fact, these have nothing to do with the crispness and lightness of the crackers you can buy, probably due to the fact that I'm not with my yeast and then can not even call crackers, biscuits, but simply salted pretzels, spicy in my case, but you can have fun with the addition of seeds, spices, chili and more.
I found the basic recipe here and it seemed just what I wanted even changing the ingredients to be added to taste, I am also reminded of the gadgets have with the letters with which to print and write in this case salt on the biscuit and I have fun ^____^
A couple of tips, cooking times of 12 minutes I am not enough, after this time they were cooked but soft and I wanted them crispy, perhaps I had to spread them thinner ........ So I left them at 100 degrees for at least 30 minutes (can not remember exactly, maybe more than that) and then those that have spread into the baking tray in the top of the oven were slightly inflated, while those in the lower part have retained the exact form, then regulator a bit 'you .
Ingredients: 300 gr. flour 0, 9 tablespoons of oil, a teaspoon of paprika strong , 3 teaspoons of curry powder, a tablespoon of salt water as much as you need.
Preparation: Mix all dry ingredients, add the oil a bit 'of water and begin to pay by adding more water until dough is soft but substantial, let stand half an hour and then roll out thinly helping dusting of flour. Get the molds and bake at 180 degrees for about half an hour or until it will dry well.
was a long time I wanted to attempt in the Bill of crackers, but I had to find a recipe that I would make it not too complicated, the book is looking similar on the Web, however, often recipe calls for yeast and its timing, and I expected to be on standby I did not want to.
I decided for a classic flour, water, oil and salt. In fact, these have nothing to do with the crispness and lightness of the crackers you can buy, probably due to the fact that I'm not with my yeast and then can not even call crackers, biscuits, but simply salted pretzels, spicy in my case, but you can have fun with the addition of seeds, spices, chili and more.
I found the basic recipe here and it seemed just what I wanted even changing the ingredients to be added to taste, I am also reminded of the gadgets have with the letters with which to print and write in this case salt on the biscuit and I have fun ^____^
A couple of tips, cooking times of 12 minutes I am not enough, after this time they were cooked but soft and I wanted them crispy, perhaps I had to spread them thinner ........ So I left them at 100 degrees for at least 30 minutes (can not remember exactly, maybe more than that) and then those that have spread into the baking tray in the top of the oven were slightly inflated, while those in the lower part have retained the exact form, then regulator a bit 'you .
Ingredients: 300 gr. flour 0, 9 tablespoons of oil, a teaspoon of paprika strong , 3 teaspoons of curry powder, a tablespoon of salt water as much as you need.
Preparation: Mix all dry ingredients, add the oil a bit 'of water and begin to pay by adding more water until dough is soft but substantial, let stand half an hour and then roll out thinly helping dusting of flour. Get the molds and bake at 180 degrees for about half an hour or until it will dry well.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Bulma And Vegeta English Doujinshi
classic but still good
cookies with white chocolate and cranberries
A dinner with friends and wearing something that was not particularly elaborate but still good looking and a nice end of the meal, leafing through my book looking for a cookie recipe that fits the bill, they found a piece of paper with up wrote a prescription written quickly and put there to remember it ...... this of course if I flip through the book, and sooner or later ..... then more before this happens, and here come these quick biscuits not plagiarized know who, but definitely a successful and enjoyable at the time of the cake.
are crunchy and taste like white chocolate with the contrast of soft and slightly acidic dehydrated blueberries.
I like very much and are perfect for when he takes a sudden the sweet tooth, remain well preserved in a tin box, even if they do not last long for other reasons ;-)
packed in transparent bag is pretty well suited to be given away, and now I would say that we are in the perfect time for this kind of Christmas present .
They can also participate in fun and useful contest that requires Cleare
- gather your recipes that combine the speed of execution (less than an hour or you can prepare some in advance) need a few tools (no planet, is only accepted the blender and the like), the to ease of availability of ingredients -
I would say that this recipe could be fully part ^_____^
Ingredients: 100 gr. butter, 100 gr. white chocolate, 130 gr. oatmeal, 130 gr. sugar, 80 gr. of dried cranberries, 125 gr. flour, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, a pinch of salt.
Preparation: Place the butter to soften for a few seconds at a temperature of 350 microwave to make it spreadable. Add sugar, knead with the whisk until it is foamy, pour in the egg and vanilla to bring everything to cream. By mixing the dry ingredients and pour in the cream buttery, turning to mix well together in a dough that will remain unfinished. Lay a sheet of parchment paper on baking tray and place a walnut with a spoon or so of the compound, distance with the following of about 2 cm. each other. I came out 50 cookies on two baking tray.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Does Hcg Cause Hot Flushes?
WHB # 261 - pickled beetroot and rosemary
Brii finally restarted his blog after a long absence due to a moment of preference alternatives, such as making the hair against the grain and the Mount Baldo, leading German and Swedish zompettare between the cows up and down paths with the excuse of being able to learn from different perspectives of the different views of Italy's most beautiful lake which is so convinced, and rightly so, to say the truth, that they expect to return as soon as possible to find other paths with however, the promise that she will guide them. Knowing her live I know that in reality they are not to decide to return, because their minds are stuffed with gossip Briiose ^____^ much to be so stunned by back strongly to lazy to reach peaks and refuges in the same way that having a ride in a downtown shopping ........ still joking aside, if you are around the lake Garda and you are fond of mountain trails with breathtaking views, now you know whom to contact.
I am a bit 'out of the sow, in fact, that I wanted notice and Brii gave birth to the Italian version of Weekend Blogging Herbal ,
so if you can go a bit of interest 'to read what it is. I will participate with this recipe.
The red beets, also known as beetroot though two different species, are commonly exchanged between them (I do not know why). The information that there are only a step of my simple observations, and possible upgrade if you had something to add.
turnips are rounded and may be white, black, purple, and of varying sizes, while the red beets are just red and roughly mid-sized or slightly more.
From taste "sweeter" than turnips instead have a stronger flavor and is close to the horseradish. Turnips I've tasted the violets and I am liked, other varieties do not yet have stories to tell.
beet instead I made several versions and I have liked them all but I could put in order of rating in this way -
1 salad with red beets in foil - 10
2 flowers and colors in the pot - 10
3 ROSTE beetroot - 9
4 creamy risotto with red and white - 9
5 tortino di rapa rossa - 7 l'unico appunto che farei non è sul
flavor but that the pie
remains very moist and perhaps
should add 1 or 2
eggs to make more consistent.
Today I present you the version pickled and flavored with rosemary. An 'alternative to the traditional pickles which is well matched with cold meats or cheese with the advantage that we can present a colored variant and homemade.
Ingredients for roasted beets flavored three beetroot (medium), 2 sprigs of rosemary, two red and white onions, 2 tablespoons of oil, aluminum foil.
Ingredients for the pickle : a tropical red onion, 1 teaspoon salt, 100 ml. red wine vinegar, 60 gr. sugar, 120 ml. water, an empty jar and sterilized 250-gr.
Preparation: Put the unpeeled beets once, in a foil with rosemary, two onions and oil, quit in foil and bake at 200 degrees for 30 minutes.
Remove from oven and let cool, cut beets into thick slices 1 / 2 cm. or not, put them in jars of 250 gr. alternating with thin slices of red onion and continue until all the ingredients, if any remain are so good already roasted and you can have a snack ^____^
Boil all the ingredients for the pickle and pour the hot liquid on beet close and let stand 3 to 6 days before serving. Currently you decide whether natural or drizzle with a little olive oil and a finely chopped rosemary or simply merge them into pieces to some salad.
Brii finally restarted his blog after a long absence due to a moment of preference alternatives, such as making the hair against the grain and the Mount Baldo, leading German and Swedish zompettare between the cows up and down paths with the excuse of being able to learn from different perspectives of the different views of Italy's most beautiful lake which is so convinced, and rightly so, to say the truth, that they expect to return as soon as possible to find other paths with however, the promise that she will guide them. Knowing her live I know that in reality they are not to decide to return, because their minds are stuffed with gossip Briiose ^____^ much to be so stunned by back strongly to lazy to reach peaks and refuges in the same way that having a ride in a downtown shopping ........ still joking aside, if you are around the lake Garda and you are fond of mountain trails with breathtaking views, now you know whom to contact.

I am a bit 'out of the sow, in fact, that I wanted notice and Brii gave birth to the Italian version of Weekend Blogging Herbal ,
so if you can go a bit of interest 'to read what it is. I will participate with this recipe.
The red beets, also known as beetroot though two different species, are commonly exchanged between them (I do not know why). The information that there are only a step of my simple observations, and possible upgrade if you had something to add.
turnips are rounded and may be white, black, purple, and of varying sizes, while the red beets are just red and roughly mid-sized or slightly more.
From taste "sweeter" than turnips instead have a stronger flavor and is close to the horseradish. Turnips I've tasted the violets and I am liked, other varieties do not yet have stories to tell.
beet instead I made several versions and I have liked them all but I could put in order of rating in this way -
1 salad with red beets in foil - 10
2 flowers and colors in the pot - 10
3 ROSTE beetroot - 9
4 creamy risotto with red and white - 9
5 tortino di rapa rossa - 7 l'unico appunto che farei non è sul
flavor but that the pie
remains very moist and perhaps
should add 1 or 2
eggs to make more consistent.
Today I present you the version pickled and flavored with rosemary. An 'alternative to the traditional pickles which is well matched with cold meats or cheese with the advantage that we can present a colored variant and homemade.
Ingredients for roasted beets flavored three beetroot (medium), 2 sprigs of rosemary, two red and white onions, 2 tablespoons of oil, aluminum foil.
Ingredients for the pickle : a tropical red onion, 1 teaspoon salt, 100 ml. red wine vinegar, 60 gr. sugar, 120 ml. water, an empty jar and sterilized 250-gr.
Preparation: Put the unpeeled beets once, in a foil with rosemary, two onions and oil, quit in foil and bake at 200 degrees for 30 minutes.
Remove from oven and let cool, cut beets into thick slices 1 / 2 cm. or not, put them in jars of 250 gr. alternating with thin slices of red onion and continue until all the ingredients, if any remain are so good already roasted and you can have a snack ^____^
Boil all the ingredients for the pickle and pour the hot liquid on beet close and let stand 3 to 6 days before serving. Currently you decide whether natural or drizzle with a little olive oil and a finely chopped rosemary or simply merge them into pieces to some salad.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Girdle Holds Tummy In
The tip of today is an absolutely superb natural exfoliation, a breath of fresh air and vitality throughout the body, and that'll get you a radiant skin at any age.
Plus is easy, safe, pleasant and refreshing. And at the same time is also a massage.
All you need is a nice hot bath e. .. your hands.
Nothing but hot water, a bit 'of time available and the palms of your hands placed gently but firmly massaging the skin of the knees, elbows, forearms, ankles .... everywhere! If you really want
esagerare nel viziarti, metti del sale marino nell'acqua del bagno (insieme al calore dell'acqua renderà la pelle più morbida e soffice, aiuterà il distacco delle cellule morte e aprirà i pori. Oppure aggiungi 300/350 gr di bicarbonato di sodio, che pure depura, ossigena e apre i pori, arrecando grande beneficio alla microcircolazione superficiale).
Ma puoi benissimo fare il nostro peeling magico senza altro che l'acqua calda e le tue mani.
COME SI FA: Riempi la vasca con acqua a 37/38 gradi, cioè calda ma non bollente, e immergiti per una decina di minuti o un quarto d'ora.
Canta, pensa a qualcosa di bello o fantastica su quello che vuoi. Rilassati e goditi il caldo abbraccio.
Poi, passati i 10 minuti di 'ammollo', alzati in piedi e lascia scorrere via l'acqua. Dopo una ventina di secondi, quando la pelle è ancora bagnata ma non cola più, inizia a massaggiarti.
Comincia dalla parte posteriore delle caviglie e dalle ginocchia, dove è più facile sentire che la pelle vecchia se ne va: sarà l'istinto a dirti quanto devi essere insistente... fatto sta che ad un certo punto inizierai a sentire che le cellule morte si staccano dalla pelle e si ‘arrotolano’ sotto le tue dita.
Scuoti via la pelle già staccata e intanto procedi a massaggiare passando da zona a zona delle gambe senza staccare le mani: vedrai glad to hear that this 'shell' that goes away without any resistance!
He then arms and repeat the process starting from the wrist (do not forget your hands, hence the deposit of dead cells is lower because the lava is continuous, but is useful anyway ... so gently exfoliate), and dates back to the shoulders.
when you come back, belly and that little 'back that you can achieve, you will feel under the fingers go away a lot of superfluous material.
NOT overdo the pressure, as I told you just a slight rubbing, and be your own innate sense of well being to advise the press. Maybe your skin will present
A slight redness after: it's nothing serious.
course your common sense you will have already advised not do even a slight rubbing on the areas where the skin is red, irritated, etc. with injury.
To remove everything you have 'detached' from your body, go back down again into the tank or make a pass with the spray.
Then, when dry (wipe with a sponge and you'll see other dead skin go away!), Sprinkle with a sweet cream and emollient.
(In the picture, a work of Saul Steinberg: Girl in Bathtub, 1979)
The tip of today is an absolutely superb natural exfoliation, a breath of fresh air and vitality throughout the body, and that'll get you a radiant skin at any age.
Plus is easy, safe, pleasant and refreshing. And at the same time is also a massage.
All you need is a nice hot bath e. .. your hands.
Nothing but hot water, a bit 'of time available and the palms of your hands placed gently but firmly massaging the skin of the knees, elbows, forearms, ankles .... everywhere! If you really want
esagerare nel viziarti, metti del sale marino nell'acqua del bagno (insieme al calore dell'acqua renderà la pelle più morbida e soffice, aiuterà il distacco delle cellule morte e aprirà i pori. Oppure aggiungi 300/350 gr di bicarbonato di sodio, che pure depura, ossigena e apre i pori, arrecando grande beneficio alla microcircolazione superficiale).
Ma puoi benissimo fare il nostro peeling magico senza altro che l'acqua calda e le tue mani.
COME SI FA: Riempi la vasca con acqua a 37/38 gradi, cioè calda ma non bollente, e immergiti per una decina di minuti o un quarto d'ora.
Canta, pensa a qualcosa di bello o fantastica su quello che vuoi. Rilassati e goditi il caldo abbraccio.
Poi, passati i 10 minuti di 'ammollo', alzati in piedi e lascia scorrere via l'acqua. Dopo una ventina di secondi, quando la pelle è ancora bagnata ma non cola più, inizia a massaggiarti.
Comincia dalla parte posteriore delle caviglie e dalle ginocchia, dove è più facile sentire che la pelle vecchia se ne va: sarà l'istinto a dirti quanto devi essere insistente... fatto sta che ad un certo punto inizierai a sentire che le cellule morte si staccano dalla pelle e si ‘arrotolano’ sotto le tue dita.
Scuoti via la pelle già staccata e intanto procedi a massaggiare passando da zona a zona delle gambe senza staccare le mani: vedrai glad to hear that this 'shell' that goes away without any resistance!
He then arms and repeat the process starting from the wrist (do not forget your hands, hence the deposit of dead cells is lower because the lava is continuous, but is useful anyway ... so gently exfoliate), and dates back to the shoulders.
when you come back, belly and that little 'back that you can achieve, you will feel under the fingers go away a lot of superfluous material.
NOT overdo the pressure, as I told you just a slight rubbing, and be your own innate sense of well being to advise the press. Maybe your skin will present
A slight redness after: it's nothing serious.
course your common sense you will have already advised not do even a slight rubbing on the areas where the skin is red, irritated, etc. with injury.
To remove everything you have 'detached' from your body, go back down again into the tank or make a pass with the spray.
Then, when dry (wipe with a sponge and you'll see other dead skin go away!), Sprinkle with a sweet cream and emollient.
Free, safe, environmentally friendly, super-natural. No additives of any kind: the scrub that you would not in any beauty salon!
But what do you advise your mother.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
London Cruising Places
Bella, lean and sleeping
Want to store your weight?
you lose the pounds?
not enough to control the amount and the amount of food you introduce into the body.
You also get enough sleep, and more!
Dozens of studies which is spoken in recent months in professional journals.
The results are similar and converging: the subjects who were able to stay up to wake up naturally maintained their weight better and more easily than those that have been made to sleep less than necessary, or suffering from insomnia or difficulty falling asleep.
There are those who quantified the loss of weight as possible when you decide to sleep better and longer: it speaks of TakeCareBlog this post.
Want to store your weight?
you lose the pounds?
not enough to control the amount and the amount of food you introduce into the body.
You also get enough sleep, and more!
Dozens of studies which is spoken in recent months in professional journals.
The results are similar and converging: the subjects who were able to stay up to wake up naturally maintained their weight better and more easily than those that have been made to sleep less than necessary, or suffering from insomnia or difficulty falling asleep.
It seems that people forced to sleep only five hours a night (way below average) lose their sensitivity to glucose, and then find themselves in a condition that promotes obesity and diabetes.
It is clear that sleep promotes, among other things, the production of leptin, or 'satiety hormone', and then helps to control hunger.
If we do not sleep enough, he will be short (among other damage) more difficult to stop eating and a tendency to not use / dispose of sugars.
That is no small thing if you hold the line and to health is connected to it.
There are those who quantified the loss of weight as possible when you decide to sleep better and longer: it speaks of TakeCareBlog this post.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
How Do You Turn Yourself Into A Wolf
Soap - Red and skin thanks
Soap 'Aleppo' is a detergent cake made with natural ingredients and traditional techniques that ensure the quality, biodegradability and duration (also because a 'cube' lasts for months and months and months yet ...).
Since I discovered, I have eliminated all other types of soap (I've never used liquid ...). And I suggest you really try, it is now very easy to find, even on the shelves of supermarkets.
The base of Aleppo soap is a special processing of virgin olive oil with the addition of bay. In
trade if they are with various percentages of olive leaves (by 15%, 20 or even 30%), which have beneficial properties for all skin types. I
I have tried some, but what I find most 'gentle' with my beloved cute is the base with a 15-16% max laurel.
The first time you touch it you can hear a hint of herbs, but it disappears quickly, meaning that it evaporates quickly, but also in the sense that there is more chance. Anyway, I find it excellent, compared with artificial scents of normal soaps.
skin washed with soap of Aleppo will 'fresh' and that's it.
Since it is not aggressive, but even softening, is recommended for sensitive skin, the intimate areas and small children (with the only caveat for the latter, which burns a bit 'if it's in your eyes).
Help a conservare morbida ed elastica la pelle, quindi ha un effetto antirughe.
È completamente biodegradabile, quindi ha il super vantaggio di non inquinare l'ambiente e soprattutto di non inquinare la pelle, sulla quale già passano tanti altri prodotti chimici, nelle creme, nei cosmetici, etc.
Va benissimo anche per lavare indumenti delicati.
Un sapone così versatile, senza SLS o altri derivati dal petrolio, coloranti, profumi, conservanti, antiossidanti, acidi vari... cosa chiederemo di più?
Ma che faccia anche da antitarme!
E infatti, pare the smell of bay is particularly unwelcome in moths and butterflies of the cabinets.
In its homeland, Syria, for centuries has been used to keep pests away from containers of clothes and foods.
So I bought a dozen rolls and have them scattered in all the closets ...
Soap 'Aleppo' is a detergent cake made with natural ingredients and traditional techniques that ensure the quality, biodegradability and duration (also because a 'cube' lasts for months and months and months yet ...).
Since I discovered, I have eliminated all other types of soap (I've never used liquid ...). And I suggest you really try, it is now very easy to find, even on the shelves of supermarkets.
The base of Aleppo soap is a special processing of virgin olive oil with the addition of bay. In
trade if they are with various percentages of olive leaves (by 15%, 20 or even 30%), which have beneficial properties for all skin types. I
I have tried some, but what I find most 'gentle' with my beloved cute is the base with a 15-16% max laurel.
The first time you touch it you can hear a hint of herbs, but it disappears quickly, meaning that it evaporates quickly, but also in the sense that there is more chance. Anyway, I find it excellent, compared with artificial scents of normal soaps.
skin washed with soap of Aleppo will 'fresh' and that's it.
Since it is not aggressive, but even softening, is recommended for sensitive skin, the intimate areas and small children (with the only caveat for the latter, which burns a bit 'if it's in your eyes).
Help a conservare morbida ed elastica la pelle, quindi ha un effetto antirughe.
È completamente biodegradabile, quindi ha il super vantaggio di non inquinare l'ambiente e soprattutto di non inquinare la pelle, sulla quale già passano tanti altri prodotti chimici, nelle creme, nei cosmetici, etc.
Va benissimo anche per lavare indumenti delicati.
Un sapone così versatile, senza SLS o altri derivati dal petrolio, coloranti, profumi, conservanti, antiossidanti, acidi vari... cosa chiederemo di più?
Ma che faccia anche da antitarme!
E infatti, pare the smell of bay is particularly unwelcome in moths and butterflies of the cabinets.
In its homeland, Syria, for centuries has been used to keep pests away from containers of clothes and foods.
So I bought a dozen rolls and have them scattered in all the closets ...
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