salad for winter feasts
But what if the cake preferissimo a good salad? It seems gone into disuse, it was spoken some time ago with her , the menus can not find anything, if all goes well you have strawberries and cream, even in January ... or some exotic fruit flavors that far from your waste naturally without thinking, but their safety in case the customer "break" the p. .. and with these demands of the past seems to be a sad slice of pineapple in a huge pot where he had slipped as the skis on the skin but can also be worse .... I got a salad shamelessly from the jar and ruin the end of the lunch ...... you just have to have it!! And given the festive period is perhaps the case to give a presentation worthy of being brought to the table with a trendy look ^_______^
And with this alternative to Panettone that I have literally seen .... and even tried ;-)) there I wish you to HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
for 4 Ingredients: 2 limes, 3 + 2 clementines, 1 granny smith green apple, apple 2 small red or pink lady annurca or otherwise sour taste, a small pear rust a bunch of pink, a kiwi or two, a small navel orange, juice of two oranges, one lemon, a piece of cinnamon 5 cm., 2 cloves, two star anise, a teaspoon of vanilla extract, a small glass of limoncello liqueur to taste or other, two glasses of sparkling wine or dry white wine, two tablespoons of vanilla flavored sugar + more to taste., nuts, mascarpone. Possibly la frutta biologica.
Preparazione : lavare bene tutta la frutta, staccare gli acini dell'uva, tagliare le mele e la pera affettandole per intero e togliendo solo la parte vicino al picciolo, affettare anche l'arancia, un lime, i kiwi e i 3 mandaranci, spruzzare con il limone la frutta e sistemarla in una ciotola di vetro cominciando a mettere tutt'intorno gli acini d'uva continuare sistemando le fette degli agrumi più piccoli appoggiandoli alle pareti, aggiungere poi le fette delle mele e della pera più grandi e riempire anche al centro di modo che la frutta si sostenga a vicenda ma che si veda. Spremere 2 mandaranci, le 2 arance da spremuta e il lime rimasto conservando le bucce.
Mettere focus on the 350 gr. about water with two spoonfuls of sugar, add the squeezed juice, cinnamon, cloves, star anise, vanilla and bring to a boil, let boil for 5 minutes, then turn off and leave to infuse.
Take the peels of citrus fruit with a sharp cut boxcutter using the white part of the way that is usually used to fillet fish, skin that is holding the "slip with the knife for long. then cut the peel into julienne strips and boil for a few seconds, drain them and pass them under cold water. Dab with a cloth and place in a large frying pan, so that they can be spread on medium heat lasciando per un minuto ad asciugare rigirandole, poi ricoprirle di zucchero e lasciarle caramellare. Sistemate su un vassoio o piatto piano una base di zucchero dove andrete a posare le bucce una volta raffreddate rigirandole per bene.
Passare con un colino l'infusione e aggiungere un bicchierino di limoncello e due bicchieri di prosecco, versate nella ciotola della frutta. Sistemate poi le coppe con i frutti e un po' del succo, aggiungendo un cucchiaino di mascarpone ( non si vede perchè ricoperto dalle scorzette, ma c'è, forse è meglio un cucchiaio invece che un cucchiaino) in cui tuffare l'acino d'uva, e le bucce caramellate, solo all'ultimo put some 'coarse grain of hazelnuts.
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