these days I hope that revelers have gone well and continue better, to me very normal and quiet I'm enjoying them in idleness or ... almost every time I cook ;-))
There were surpluses of salmon from your dinners? this might be an idea to use them, but not necessarily must have been, I have bought to make this easy dish simple but tasty.
ingredients for 3, 1 medium potato per person, two slices of salmon and a spoon of sour cream per person, olive oil and butter, salt, pepper, 4 or 5 stems (or to taste) fresh dill and lemon
Preparation: Peel the potatoes and grate with the mandolin on the side of the larger holes, then put them in a towel and blot to remove excess starch. Then place them in a bowl and add the chopped dill after, turning to distribute it well. In a pan pour 3 tablespoons of oil and three knobs of butter, let it warm up well and then add the mashed potatoes slightly giving it the shape of the base of the pan and bring to a medium high heat for browning so as to form a crust, add salt and then with the help of a cover shot for the Rösti sauté the other side. Lightly salted sour cream, pour a tablespoon of olive oil, some lemon juice and stir and pepper, if you want you can also add some trickle of dill. Serve the Rösti let cool and settle over the salmon slices rolled slightly on the latter laid the cream, peppered a final dates and serve.
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