At this time also because of the cold and short days I feel in the mood to bake and I must say .... I say softly for luck, not that the products are not bad.
the feast of bread Bressanone I had already taken some flour mixed with yeast added ..... now that I think that is what I can to make bread? certain is that meals are great and the soaring right, I do not do anything but put more spices or seeds that inspire me and water.
This time it was the turn of the white bread that I flavored with two teaspoons masala for vegetables, bread came out smelling of exotic
^___^ I do not know how far market, I think more than anything else in the northeast, for which you may choose a windmill in your neighborhood that already produces flour mix, or put your yeast and seeds.
Ingredients: 500 gr. white bread flour mix Rieper, 330 - 350 of warm water, 2 teaspoons masala for vegetables.
Preparation : Add two teaspoons masala for vegetables to the flour and stir, add water gradually until dough is smooth and homogeneous, cover with a damp cloth and let rise in a warm place , like 30 degrees with the oven door just barely open for 30 to 40 minutes. Take back the dough and make it a cylinder without stretching it to work it, fold it in half and twist. Return it to rise for another half hour into the mold that will go in the oven. Preheat oven to 200 degrees and bake for 30 minutes, do the toothpick test and if dry bake bread and make it cool on a wire rack.

two slices of good bread in a warm and delicious French toast for brunch at home.
I found the idea in the book opposite, with small variations are prepared me happy, it's always nice to have but tasty alternative to fast when the desire to cook is an option.
Ingredients: Two slices of toast, two teaspoons of butter to which I have mixed a teaspoon of mustard grains, half-ripe but firm pear, parmesan cheese best when fresh, in mieleaceto pleasure, pinch of salt.
Preparation : The
mieleaceto vinitaly I bought the product and is a good, if not you can always do it yourself by putting a bit of honey to heat and add balsamic vinegar, leave until they are well blended and vinegar is reduced the most liquid evaporates (few minutes), allow to cool before using it, so that the density-candy buyback.
Spread slices with butter on one side and a pinch of salt. Peel the pear and cut into thin strips.
shaved parmesan cheese and place it on your bread buttered on the side not, pour a little vinegar, honey and put on the sliced \u200b\u200bpear, a little more 'cover with vinegar, honey and other parmesan cheese and close the toast with the buttered side out.
Now you just need to put it in the toaster or like I did before I toasted the slices in a buttered pan and then once filled and closed past the microwave oven with grill.
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