Thursday, March 3, 2011

How To Install Oakley Shield Riddell Helmet

pepper and pear spaghetti to the cheese

What I like to use the fruit in savory dishes, perhaps someone already knows a little more 'less, but I a small collection, so when I received an invitation from Ramona participating in this contest - fruit on the table - she probably did not know ma sfondava una porta aperta, e per l'occasione ho rielaborato un primo piatto che io non ho mai mangiato ma che quando mi è capitato di vederlo mi ripromettevo sempre  di fare, parlo della pasta cacio e pepe e partendo da questa pasta ho rielaborato la ricetta abbastanza semplicemente ottenendo un primo rustico e corposo usando degli spaghettoni all'uovo dalla consistenza grezza con l'aggiunta di pancetta e pere. Un buon piatto che vi farà arrivare alla cena senza brontolii di stomaco, garantito!!!

Ingredienti  : pancetta fresca, una pera piccola matura ma soda, cacio, pepe, spaghettoni rustici, vino bianco. Le dosi esatte le decidete voi a seconda della fame ^_____^

Preparation: Put water on to boil for the spaghetti, the bacon cut into small cubes and leave to cook slowly until the fat has melted well and made crispy lean, in the meantime, peel the pears and cut his When cubes. When ready remove the bacon from the pan and add the pear, raising the fire so they cook for a few minutes until dora, but making it to remain al dente, sprinkle with a little 'white wine and salt. Add the bacon and leave for a few minutes for the flavors come together. Grate the cheese, drain the pasta with the sauce and season it a good sprinkling of cheese and freshly ground pepper, I used to Sichuan, and then I gave a little lemonade flavor, once again add Serve sprinkled with cheese and pepper with olive oil to finish.


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