No, if we decide not to vote in elections, and vote blank ballot, the vote is deemed void and does not go to any party.
Why do you say this? Anyone
says that leaving the white card, issue the majority voting in the elections which will be released, said an urban legend, as seats and prizes are awarded on the basis of the votes validly cast .
There are dangers to vote blank ballot?
is said to leave the white board, you run the risk that 'magically' appear in some seats to the symbol to a particular party. But this is obviously something illegal and should not happen. But some people, to protect about this thing, they prefer to cancel the card, write on something or making a mark.
Alternatively, if you do not want to vote, you can bring to the polling station and who refuses to verbalize the card .
Another thing to disprove, if you do not vote for tot times in a row does NOT lose the right to vote.
What is the difference 'between the card and white card blank?
white sheet is showing no sign on the sheet electoral card but there are no signs on the sheet, but cancel the vote because they are not the canonical X on party choice.
What the law says about the election system?
Among the coalitions of lists (...) shall be an allotment of seats based on the national electoral number of each . To this end, divide the total electoral numbers national of each coalition lists or single list (..) for the number of seats to be allocated, resulting in the national electoral quotient. In making this division does not take into account the fractional part of the quotient. Divide the number of votes each national coalition of individual listings or list for this quotient. The whole part of the quotient thus obtained represents the number of seats to be allocated to each coalition or single list of lists. The seats that remain to be allocated are allocated respectively to individual lists or lists of coalitions for which these divisions have paid more remains and, in case of a tie remains, to those who have obtained the greatest number of votes national; equal to the latter shall draw
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