No, sta circolando in questi giorni una mail di un certo 'sig. Montorsini' che chiede di aprire un certo documento per vedere se siamo indagati per fruizione di materiale scaricato dalla rete. Non dobbiamo preoccuparci ma non dobbiamo assolutamente aprire l'allegato.
Cosa contiene di preciso la mail?
La mail contiene mell'oggetto alleged violations of copyright. In the body of the email , it is said that the user has been reported as a recipient of illegally downloaded material from the network.
What should I do to not infect your PC?
There are two versions of the mail, in being asked to download a file. Zip, while the other to click on a link. Both are aimed at an imaginary list of suspects "in March 2008." Certainly not the attachment or click on the link, otherwise the installation of the virus.
What is your message?
The message text is roughly as follows:
Dear Customer, we are doing the necessary checks on your system, your email address has been notified by third parties as a user of material illegally downloaded from P2P network. His email address is already under control by 10 days, to us, please follow the link below www.i-verifycenter.com where you will find the form to declare that it was not the possession of counterfeit material unduly.
Some of its voluntary cooperation we send
Carlo Montorsini - Assessments Director
Internet VerifyCenter spa
2002-2008 www.i-verifycenter.com
If I clicked on the link how can I do to clean your PC?
E 'should upgrade the virus and make it do a scan.
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