Very simply: il rosso sulle guance dona. A tutte.
E attenzione, ho detto rosso. Non pesca o arancio o fucsia o rame o bronzo... ROSSO!
E sai perché?
Perché le nostre guance diventano NATURALMENTE rosse nei momenti di piacere, di eccitazione e di godimento.
O quando la pelle è beneficamente ossigenata dall'aria fresca e l'umore di pari passo è ottimo ed esuberante.
Quindi, il rosso in viso è un segnale positivo.
La cosa bella è che l'essere umano, ma soprattutto il maschio della specie, è geneticamente predisposto a cogliere (senza rendersene conto razionalmente) questo sottile messaggio subliminale = la female is ready to procreate, the female is healthy and young, the female is involved and excited ... The male will automatically
BELLO that exemplary female who shows red cheeks. Over the centuries our
ave always knew that all the makeup they needed a man to fall at their feet was ... some pinch his cheeks (the gesture that makes Scarlett quickly before opening the door when Rhett came to visit her suddenly ...).
Even this is enough, unless you have another available.
But if you can, do as I do - make sure the results: I use a lipstick of a beautiful carmine alive, because I prefer the powder to a creamy consistency and also because of blush really red if they are not.
My favorite is the Atomic Red (05) Deborah - of course you can also find other basis that it be the stay-on lipstick, long-lasting ones that are too 'solid' and slimy, evil spreads.

Then with the tips of your fingers tapping and expands slightly towards the temples until the red is almost gone.
In short, the result should be that of a pair of bodies that are so red, but that does not stand out at all, discrete e. .. subliminal.
This is only a more intense staining of the cheekbone area, whatever the base color of the skin / the foundation.
When your cheeks are red (but not stained red), gloss (which is why it is better ... the lipstick), and then inviting (sign of youth-health), get out, go in and smile.
Knowing that every sexually active male 'record' in spite of the fact that you are beautiful and attractive ...