The site I found a brilliant video on some tricks to 'get rid' the belly when you wear a dress elegant. But it is in English

Here you have the translation of what he says Cibeline, good vision
"On special occasions we all want to be the best. But you can not really fun if you're holding your stomach. Here are some tips to help you hide the belly allowing you to stay relaxed.
Hello, I'm Cibeline Sariano Cibeline boutique in Davis Square, Somerville, Massachusetts, for Today I'll show you how you can hide the belly.
Dear friend, how many times you were at a wedding or a special event, note that you were holding his stomach for hours, while you wanted to feel relaxed and natural?
What we try to do in this case, when you want to hide your belly, you look for a dress that has a band or a wide belt to tie at the waist.
The ideal would be to find a dress with a belt long enough to run twice around the waist, but if you find it okay anche una fascia che si lega una volta sola.
Ora ti darò qualche spiegazione su come annodare la fascia.
Qui abbiamo un vestito che ha una fascia bella lunga, la faremo passare prima sul davanti, poi di nuovo intorno alla vita.
Puoi annodarla come vuoi, anche con il nodo sul retro, ma il nodo sul davanti ti dà una maggiore ‘copertura’. Se ti piace, puoi fare un fiocco.
Ma quello che noi vogliamo creare qui è un bell’effetto d’increspatura e un dettaglio pieghettato che fanno una bella struttura intorno alla vita. Che nasconda tutte le imperfezioni che sentiamo di avere intorno alla pancia.
also a drawing fantasy life helps to hide the belly.
is true that draws the eye to life, but, believe it or not, in fact, distracts from any imperfection.
One reason fantasy, dress up a plain, even if it is a little black dress with a scarf tied around the waist, it is better to disguise her belly.
not have to be a belt or a scarf around his waist.
You can find a top with pleating will create a rippled pattern on the life that distract attention from all that you do not like and hide the stomach.
Finally, here's a little secret of Hollywood, all the lead!
This is essentially a high-waisted tights without restraining the lower legs.
With this you'll see all the lumps disappear, you'll have a couple of inches less in life and feel ultra-comfortable ".
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