The experiment of researchers at Northwestern University (USA) has been done in di uno studio (pubblicato dalla rivista Obesity ) per stabilire quanto conti l'orario in cui si mangia sul metabolismo.
Potete leggere qui l'articolo di donnamoderna.com che illustra questa notizia.

Ma sentite anche i consigli di Hiromi Shinya, che nel suo best-seller 'Il Fattore Enzima' spiega dettagliatamente come andare a letto a stomaco vuoto, o molto leggero, sia un segreto di salute e lunga vita (e benessere, magrezza e bellezza...):
"Many deaths that occur for heart attacks and heart attacks at daybreak are due to acid reflux caused by eating and drinking late at night, which in turn causes airway obstruction, irregular breathing, reduction of oxygen levels in the blood, and, as a last step, lack of oxygen to the heart muscle ....
is important to finish eating and drinking 4-5 hours before bedtime.
When the stomach is empty, it creates a high level of a strong acid that kills bacteria and other Elicobacter pylori negative, creating an environment balanced intestinal .
This stimulates the processes of self-healing, strength and immunity ....
If your evening you can not bear the pangs of hunger, eat a little 'fresh fruit - a food rich in enzymes - about an hour before bedtime.
The enzymes in fruits are highly digestible and passes from the stomach to the intestines in about 30-40 minutes.
In this way there will be more to worry about the ebb, when lying down.
This provided that you go to bed an hour after eating the fruit " .
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