Monday, March 7, 2011

Tech Deck Ramps Fiyatları

sbrisolona Verona

photo taken Web
fallen into oblivion this post has magically reappeared, and this is the cake that I brought to dinner on a Saturday night a merry bunch of friends at home where the highlight was the "bigoli torcolo" a typical dish from Verona (big spaghetti and egg noodles) bigoli handmade using a contraption called torcolo that you see on the right ( on which it sits and runs a printing press just to drop the pasta) and I to stay in the local tradition I thought I'd bring sbrisolona.

The recipe is in the friendly contest Sara

The sbrisolona Veronese, whose name derives from brise (Translate crumbs) is a sweet name makes sense that since it is not sliced \u200b\u200bsweet to do, in fact for you to use a tap with his fist in the center and large crumbs that will emerge will be the portions to be drawn, it is a cake that has a very close relative in Mantua, from which, however, is distinguished by not use lard and eggs and is always accompanied by another local product who is the recioto of Verona Soave or Valpolicella  dopodichè vi sentirete in pace con il mondo intero......e visto che siamo in tema di tradizioni veronesi vi lascio con un proverbio tipico che la dice lunga sul piacere del buon bere  da queste parti
-    A ci no ghe piase el vin, che'l Signor ghe toga anca l'aqua    -   ^______^

Ingredienti per 6 persone
100 gr. di farina
100 gr. di fioretto di mais, macinata molto fine
120 gr. di burro a temperatura ambiente
100 gr.
of white cane sugar 100 gr. almonds with skins, I had to finish the Brazil nuts, and I used those.
the grated rind of a lemon
a small glass of brandy, or brandy, but not essential.

Chop a handful of Brazil nuts with a third sugar, and cut roughly others.
Pour all ingredients into a bowl and mix with your fingertips until you get a compound "crumbs".
Take the "crumbs" and pour into the pan.
Fan the cake to settle and press lightly with the tips of your hands to compact the collection. The cake will be about two inches high.
Bake at 180 degrees for 45 minutes.
not be removed until the cake has cooled otherwise it breaks.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

How To Install Oakley Shield Riddell Helmet

pepper and pear spaghetti to the cheese

What I like to use the fruit in savory dishes, perhaps someone already knows a little more 'less, but I a small collection, so when I received an invitation from Ramona participating in this contest - fruit on the table - she probably did not know ma sfondava una porta aperta, e per l'occasione ho rielaborato un primo piatto che io non ho mai mangiato ma che quando mi è capitato di vederlo mi ripromettevo sempre  di fare, parlo della pasta cacio e pepe e partendo da questa pasta ho rielaborato la ricetta abbastanza semplicemente ottenendo un primo rustico e corposo usando degli spaghettoni all'uovo dalla consistenza grezza con l'aggiunta di pancetta e pere. Un buon piatto che vi farà arrivare alla cena senza brontolii di stomaco, garantito!!!

Ingredienti  : pancetta fresca, una pera piccola matura ma soda, cacio, pepe, spaghettoni rustici, vino bianco. Le dosi esatte le decidete voi a seconda della fame ^_____^

Preparation: Put water on to boil for the spaghetti, the bacon cut into small cubes and leave to cook slowly until the fat has melted well and made crispy lean, in the meantime, peel the pears and cut his When cubes. When ready remove the bacon from the pan and add the pear, raising the fire so they cook for a few minutes until dora, but making it to remain al dente, sprinkle with a little 'white wine and salt. Add the bacon and leave for a few minutes for the flavors come together. Grate the cheese, drain the pasta with the sauce and season it a good sprinkling of cheese and freshly ground pepper, I used to Sichuan, and then I gave a little lemonade flavor, once again add Serve sprinkled with cheese and pepper with olive oil to finish.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Interior Design Andflorence Accademia Italiana

nut homemade meat pies

I have seen many recipes in the web of homemade vegetable nut, but I itched to do more than meat, since it is a vegetable broth very easy too fast to get, just a piece of celery, onion and carrot, and you're done, but that instead of meat is not that what we begin to make the broth with a piece of meat of any kind and that we get it in half ' hours.

In several raids in the library one day I noticed a book with the catchy title - DONE IN HOUSE - giving it a long puff I decided that was the case of restocking and give it a rightful place in my culinary library .

course that has given the coup de grace to my conviction that I had taken was just the recipe for homemade nut meat, but there are many more interesting.
After a few days once I put the recipe on site at that moment I wanted to do more, of course, the nut meat!

The procedure is not difficult, just requires a bit 'of time as described in the book should be an afternoon in the baking and drying the product, but I've changed a bit since 'the times described in the book I finished running the next day, this does not mean that you have all these hours involved, but that the drying time elaborates a bit 'more.

Ingredients: 500 gr. Beef with a slight streak of fat from your butcher ground three times, 500 gr. of salt that should not have particularly large grains otherwise then the pieces will remain in the compound and 500 gr vegetables including onions, celery, carrots, parsley, leeks or more to taste, I used two medium onions, a small leek, two carrots, a large sprig of celery leaves, a sprig of fennel Barbine and a sprig of parsley.

Preparation: Peel and chop all the vegetables, put the meat in a nonstick saucepan and let simmer without cover and moderate heat until they have expelled all their liquid, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon. It will take about an hour.
When the mixture will be dry, you'll see even from the bottom of the pan where there will be no liquid, add the salt and continue to cook because the salt will expel more water and left again until you wipe the bottom of the pan . Remove from
heat and blend all finely as possible, cover a baking tray with parchment paper, spread the mixture smooth it in the back of a spoon to smooth and wet often better and give it a square shape.

Turn on the fan oven at 80 degrees and bake for an hour and a half, then remove and let cool in the oven ....

At this point the recipe and ended up switching to accommodate containers ......... but since I started in the afternoon I left to cool inside the furnace, the evening the next morning, after which everything can be cut diced or crumbled or possibly both prefer.

But I, on the morning after I removed from the oven and having cut three shares of the compound in nuts I crumbled the other hand, revived the ventilated oven at 80 degrees and put out to dry for 45 minutes .

Once again I let cool off, and I went out for a walk ;-)) in the afternoon I took the mixture until the granules and wishing I spent in a blender until obtaining a powder preparation of meat such as that you see in the picture down, and I've placed the cubes in a container holding them separate and make breaks with sheets of wax paper, sealed and hibernated ;-)
The jar of granules and some of them into cubes instead I kept in the fridge, ready to use.
The amount that I use to get a bowl of soup is about a heaping tablespoon, depending on the flavor you prefer.

Conservation: the book says in the refrigerator for no more than a week, frozen nuts instead may be taken as needed, directly from the freezer, but I waited to post just to check thing and kept in a sealed glass container, now it's been a month and I can confirm that is what is left of the pellets that the dice is still maintained very well. On the other hand I think just the amount of salt used is the natural preservative to keep them.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dry Lips Gloss Blisters

This is an outline created on the fly, the original idea was that of an ordinary mashed potatoes with a side dish of mushrooms as an alternative .... even the commonest mushrooms. But passing by Simona I realize that this week's Weekend Herb Blogging home and then I thought that the two had to dress up a bit 'a party to participate in making it to his collection of pies.

Whb è una cosa che va avanti da un bel po' infatti è iniziato nel 2005 da  Kalyn di Kalyn's Kitchen la fondatrice, sarebbe  nato un po' per caso,  lei voleva participare a Sweetnicks  un evento settimanale dove si postano  foto dei propri cani e gatti, e  lei che non aveva ne uno ne l'altro,  ha pensato di postare le foto delle sue piante parlando delle loro virtù e  così è continuato postando una ricetta settimanale with the main ingredient of a herb, a plant, a fruit or vegetable.
O ra organizer is Haali, blog Cook (almost) anything at least ounce
while the edition Italian is Brii of Briggis recept och ideer

Ingredients for 4 pies : 4 medium-small potatoes, a dozen large mushrooms mushrooms (or choice), 2 shallots, pepper to taste two tablespoons of pine nuts, goat cheese 4 tablespoons grated cheese, parsley, olive oil, two tablespoons of gomasio , butter to grease and oil.

Preparation: Cook the potatoes, peel and mash them, add the grated cheese and a little 'oil or butter as desired, with salt and add chopped parsley. Toast the pine nuts and keep aside.
Clean the mushrooms and cut into chunks, cook in a pan with nothing until they have delivered the vegetation water than throw it and set aside. Sauté two chopped shallots with a little 'pepper and then pour the mushrooms and cook 5 minutes finishing the cooking by adding parsley and pine nuts. Take 4 cups
imburrateli muffin and lightly sprinkle with gomasio (as is usually done with the flour) and a teaspoon put a little 'of the potato mixture on the bottom pushing it slightly, then the walls sistematene helping with the back of previously wet spoon so you do not attack, then placed in the hollow formed the mushrooms and cover with a final layer of potatoes.
Bake at 200 degrees for about 15 minutes or until you doreranno, oven and let cool for 10 minutes, Serve with a little baggy and 'parsley and extra virgin olive oil.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Milena Velba Milk Drusen

potato stuffed mushroom stuffed onions on a bed of salt in

Una verdura che io di solito snobbo specialmente cruda è la cipolla, soffritta invece non la disdegno anche se sempre in dosi contenute,  ma qui si tratta di cipolla intera.......una bella sfida!! Comunque l'idea mi allettava più che altro per il ripieno, perciò mi son buttata in questa "avventura" di degustazione cipollosa e dato che non per niente siamo a carnevale, anche le cipolle si son prese la loro rivincita e si son  trasformate in piccoli scrigni ripieni di se stesse soffritte e degnamente accompagnate da altri sapori in un insieme agrodolce di carattere, anche per partecipare alla raccolta - tutto in cocotte - di Imma .

Ingredienti per due : 2 cipolle rosse, due cucchiai di pinoli, 2 cucchiai di uvetta passa, 1 cucchiaio di aceto rosso, 1 cucchiaino di zucchero, mezzo panino raffermo sbriciolato grossolano, sale, pepe e olio, due bicchieri di sale grosso.

Preparazione : ripulire dalla pellicola le cipolle, tagliare la calotta a due dita di distanza dal picciolo, scavare l'interno rimanendo due giri di anelli. Ammollate l'uvetta, tostate i pinoli in una padella antiaderente e mettere da parte.

Mettere a soffriggere la cipolla scavata e tritata grossolanamente, quando ammorbidita alzare la fiamma e sfumare with vinegar, add sugar and leave a couple of minutes to caramelize now add the pine nuts, raisins and salt and pepper, and finally pour the bread crumbs and stir to mix all together.

empty Put the onions to cook for 5-6 minutes in microwave covered, or alternatively I think that goes well blanch for 5 minutes in salted water. Then turn the oven to 210 degrees.
fill the onions with the mixture and place them in mini ramekins filled to one third of salt, close lid with the same brush them well with oil well shut the onions and cover sealing the better the dish con un foglio di carta d'alluminio infornare per circa 20 - 30 minuti, dipende da quanto le avete lasciate al dente nella precottura.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Does Sycuan Do A Hair Drug Test

risotto casserole with green olives and tangerine powder

Da un bel po' non vi passo una ricetta di un primo piatto.....e dato che io preferisco il riso alla pasta oggi vi piazzo un risottino, i broccoletti li avevo presi per fare una pasta, e nel risotto non ce li vedevo un granchè.....poi però ho pensato perchè no? dipende poi sempre dal come trasformarli in un condimento, ho pensato anche che ci voleva un sapore che contrastasse il quasi "dolce" dei broccoletti.

Avevo dei mandarini bio dal buon profumo fresco e mano mano che li ho mangiati peeled and then I kept the skins and set aside in the kitchen to make the powder may be put as a flavoring in some sweet or cream, but I thought their fresh taste and citrus combines with the light olive amarotico could do to the case of my risotto ...... and this is what came out.

With this green risotto can participate in
contest tied to the feast of St. Patrick's
cuochina superfine.

for two Ingredients: 170 gr. Rice, a "stem" of small green broccoli ( qui detti di puglia), un quarto di cipolla, olio, brodo vegetale di dado biologico, 2 alici sotto sale, reggiano grattugiato, una decina di olive denocciolate di gaeta sott'olio, bucce essiccate di mandarino.

Preparazione : tamponare le olive con un foglio di carta cucina e metterle in un piatto ricoperto di carta forno e con coperchio, per infornarle dai 2 ai 3 minuti al microonde, ( dipende da quanto le volete secche) sfornate e passatele a tritatutto.

Lo stesso fate per le bucce di mandarino, a meno che di solito non le teniate da parte a seccare all'aria e quindi le abbiate già pronte da frullare.

Once washed the broccoli, cut the stems into small pieces so that Cuoco at the same time the lines which have divided into many flowers, boil without the lid, so retain their color, until soft.

Drain and pass it under cold water, dry in the meantime do a fine chop onion in a saucepan with oil and a bit 'of vegetable broth, add two anchovies in salt cleaned from the bones and allow to melt, pour and cook the broccoli flavor salt and oil if necessary.
Take the broccoli and mix to obtain a thick cream. that stretch with a drizzle of raw oil and a few tablespoons of the cooking water.

In another oiled pan toast the rice a few minutes, then add the vegetable broth hand hand what it takes to cook. Built to last only the green cream, two tablespoons of fine grained cheese, a knob of butter and turn off. Serve sprinkle with colored powders and two if you remember, before you blend all the flowers as did yours truly, put some aside for garnish.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Dunk Tank For Rent In Singapore

fritole de

While eating and enjoying dishes always taste my land ever since I was born I realized it when I had already come of age, especially after I had been married with the marriage as "the burden" to find that those 4 circles that were lit were part of an appliance called stove ....... In fact, having the good fortune of having a mother who has always been superlative as a cook I enjoyed it but I do not care how you make those good meals, even for me and I thought that was normal in all other families this happened, but then discover which for various reasons, was not exactly so.

not interested to put the finger in the pie except for occasional cakes I ever ate despite my many questions on ......... palate was pleased, and I trusted blindly in home cooking, mother belongs to that class cooking eye and would not have been able to give me recipes with precise doses ..... not this is necessary then to much, she always manages all .... I never saw the likeness of a schiacciatina cakes or dumplings like stones, but as I am able to do even with precise recipes.
Now, however, perhaps because the maturity .... there is a time for everything ^____^ I thought to put into practice what I have so far "just" passively, although it is always a good subject .... .

I thought I'd start with a typical trick of Verona during the carnival, the fritole de pomi .....per i fuori zona - le frittelle di mele - non sono riuscita a trovare notizie sulle loro origini, ma credo visto gli ingredienti, siano nate per usare, come spesso avveniva in tempi più semplici e meno prosperosi, gli ingredienti che erano la base delle dispense.........pane, uova, farina, mele.

Un dolcetto che faccio partecipare alla raccolta tutta italiana di Francesca .

Oggi diventano anche un modo diverso per usare il pane raffermo che si trasforma il più delle volte in pane per impanatura.              

I've done the original version and I tried also fried in the oven. Two different stocks, the first a swollen pancake with a light crust and an interior full and creamy, and the second an apple donut still good with the consistency of a pancake that has the advantage of being good the next day, while the first are best appreciated if it remains hot and therefore, better heat them in the oven.

Ingredients: 100 gr. stale pieces of bread (mine was like ciabatta), 25 gr. sugar plus additional for dusting the end, 1 large egg, 110 gr. flour, 250 ml. milk, 250 gr. apple, organic lemon zest, raisins to taste, a glass of grappa, olive oil for frying.

Preparation: combine the lemon rind with the milk and bring to a boil, remove from heat and pour the bread and let it cool and good to dunk. Peel apples and cut into small cubes then put them together in a bowl with the 25 gr. sugar, flour, egg, bread soaked in grappa and warmed before and mash with a fork, mix well together to achieve a consistent dough slightly.
Put to heat the oil in a small saucepan so that you do not use much oil to get the dose to dive into the batter, you just fry 3 pancakes at a time so the temperature will remain at the right point. Once drain on kitchen paper, pass them in sugar and enjoy.
While half the dough I put a spoon spread the baking tray covered with baking paper and bake 200 degrees until they are golden (about 20 minutes)

Friday, February 11, 2011

What Kind Of Drug Test Does Sycuan Do

ricotta baked with apples Jerusalem artichokes and olives

I played the ricotta (which is actually the first salt if you leave it lightly seasoned) home-made, using two liters of milk and juice of 1 large lemon to coagulate the milk and half a teaspoon of salt.
I've made two loaves of 250 grams. I put in two baskets-basket that I kept after buying the ricotta, leaving it to drain for a few days before use.

is not the first time that I do and I usually eat it fresh as it comes, but this time I decided to make something slightly more elaborate and put it in the oven, I took two cubes red curry paste that I keep in the freezer so as to have a sauce ready, and so I turned into a second character but still light.

Ingredients for 4: two loaves of cheese, two cubes of red curry paste, Jerusalem artichokes, parsley, oil, black olives to taste, salt and pepper.

Preparation: Clean the artichokes and cut into pieces, place a sheet of parchment paper on a baking sheet to oven and lean around the ricotta with the vegetables, dissolve the curry paste with two tablespoons of oil and three of water and pour the ricotta and the Jerusalem artichokes, olives and salt scattered.
Cover the pan with aluminum foil and bake for 20 minutes at 200 degrees. Next, remove from oven and find out, refuel, leaving another 15 minutes to cook or at least until the vegetables are tender, then set the oven with a grill and allow to brown a few minutes until it forms a light crust.
and Serve sprinkled with chopped parsley, add a little olive oil and freshly ground pepper.

Monday, February 7, 2011

How To Test Local Connection

And here's the recipe with the ingredients Chinese of which was supplied, in fact, the recipe involves cooking a whole chicken, then in the course of cooking should have been cut, while I have preferred to do a pork loin safe and Italian, that the butcher cut me then so that was easy portioning. With these doses will remain the gravy that you can store in the freezer for other types of cooking. In fact, I arranged a sheet of plastic in a container of ice cubes and once placed in the various compartments and lowering the handle of a wooden spoon, I poured the liquid and put a freeze.

three Ingredients: 600 ml. chicken stock (I replaced with vegetable broth clear), about 600 gr. pork loin with bone (weight more than I do if there is a bone per person) 300 ml. soy sauce, 220 ml. Chinese Shaoxing wine (you can substitute dry sherry), 60 gr. dark brown sugar, fresh onions, chopped 5, 6 slices of a cm. ginger, 4 strips from 4 to 5 cm. orange peel, 2 garlic cloves, 4 stars of star anise, 2 dried hot chilies, half a teaspoon Sichuan pepper., onions baked taste.

Preparation: Combine all ingredients except the meat and onions in a pot and bring to a boil. Dip the meat and bring to boil, covered for half an hour, then turn the meat on the other side so that they will color evenly, cover and cook for about another 45 minutes. Turn on the oven at 190 degrees and bake for another 40 minutes basting discovery with its liquid in a while. Take a ladle of the liquid the meat, put the onions to cook in covered pan, and adjust if necessary salt, making them at the end of cooking to caramelize over high heat drying the gravy.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Why Does A Toothache Hurt More In The Night?

oriental pork loin roasted hazelnut cake with pudding in the microwave

I do not know how it ended in my pantry ..... hypothesis could be that there is over by mistake ..... but it could be the thing that has teased me to try ...... or better to say to try to make a pie in the microwave, the first and last time I made a cake in the microwave goes back about 10 years ago when I bought it, but the result was a cake suitable for anemic and play ping pong, so the disappointment was such that not take most considered the idea of \u200b\u200bus still ...... this cake until I found myself just three sachets of yeast for microwave O___O

Behind every bag is a recipe for fortune Otherwise, I do not think I would have thrown in this new attempt, one was the sponge and the other was a chocolate cake, I choose the second despite not having cocoa, in fact, is what you see on instant coffee, the 'I have replaced replacing it with an equal weight of flour, and not to risk throwing a pie .... full confidence in the result was rather small, I decided to halve the dose.

would also be a wet and I wanted a simple cake I have removed us breakfast ......^_____^ yes yes it is true, I finally made another cake, but according to the criteria that you can find the recipe exactly here.

And the result? much better than the first experience, it remains rather dry .... since I have omitted the wet, maybe it would just be ..... hmma, the important thing is to make soup with your coffee is perfect.

Remember that to make the pies all the ingredients must be at room temperature, or the risk of collapse even before leaving the microwave oven is normal is very high, This is the master baker said one of a course which I attended.

Ingredients for 3 / 4 : 50 gr. butter (room temperature), 70 gr. of white cane sugar, pinch of salt, 1 egg, 40 gr. Finely blend of hazelnuts, 50 grams. flour, 60 gr. frumina of 30 ml. of milk. For a pan square cm. 18 side.

Preparation: Work the butter with the sugar and salt, add egg and chopped hazelnuts. Pour the sifted flours and mix, a bit 'at a time alternately with the milk, stirring just until the last to disperse the yeast in the dough. Place a sheet of paper baked in a pan at least 5 cm high. or ensure that the package leaves the board as required, and bake at 650 Watt with grill for 7 minutes 6 seconds even me. Let stand out of the oven for 10 minutes before you unmold and let cool on wire rack.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Equity Dealer's Interview Questions

water chestnuts and black currant

Directly from China came to me spending a bit 'particular, Shaoxing wine, Szechuan pepper, a rolling pin to make dumpling, ravioli , some sweets so nice to feel sorry for biting, and water chestnuts ....... and if by chance siete curiosi vi do una manciata di notizie a riguardo.

Il pepe di Szechuan mi ha stupito per il suo sentore di limone, in realtà non è un pepe come lo intendiamo noi con note particolarmente pungenti, e da quel che dicono sta bene sia sulle carni bianche, sui pesci, su insalate di pasta  fredda e pure sul cioccolato, è una bacca di cui una volta seccata si raccoglie la buccia rossastra e si butta il seme nero, e fa parte della composizione delle 5 spezie. Va tenuto in vasetto chiuso e al riparo dalla luce.

il vino shaoxing  è contenuto  (ma ve ne sono anche altre confezioni) in una bella ceramica sferica chiusa da ceralacca rossa con piccolo cavatappi in dotazione,  poi mi piacerà anche tenere su un mobile, è un vino ricavato da riso glutinoso e di colore ambrato, ne ho visto spesso l'uso nelle trasmissioni di cucina cinese su sky, e incuriosita me lo son fatta sono diverse varianti di questo vino, presumo a seconda dell'invecchiamento, viene prodotto a sud est di Shanghai dove il clima  è particolarmente favorevole alla produzione di un riso glutinoso che permette la produzione del vino di riso cinese più rinomato.......ovviamente non tutti i vini cinesi in circolazione provengono propriamente da Shaoxing,  imbrogliando sull'etichetta al primo sguardo si può scoprire poi che provengono da produzioni thailandesi.  

Questo in particolare è chiamato NU ER HONG RICE WINE, ( in cinese lo vedete scritto lì sopra se vi volete dilettare con qualche carattere) nu'er vuol dire figlia e hong rosso, rosso è sinonimo di fortuna e abbinato alla parola figlia è bene augurante per la medesima, inoltre la tradizione vuole che quando nasce una bambina e avrà un mese di vita, la famiglia preparerà la boccia di vino shaoxing e la seppellirà fino al giorno del suo matrimonio, quando verrà aperta per essere offerto ai parenti per festeggiare.

Ora che mi sono un po' informata su questo vino, non mi resta che trovare una ricetta degna del suo uso, e naturalmente vi aggiornerò sulla cosa ;-)

I dolcetti che vedete qui sopra invece all'interno hanno una parte morbida che si potrebbe paragonare alle caramelle gommose, piuttosto dolce e ricoperta da una pasta della consistenza di un' omelette, ma proprio perchè nella cucina cinese il gioco delle consistenze e dei sapori seguono la filosofia dello ying e dello yang, le due forze opposte che devono trovare il giusto equilibrio, il cuore del tortino è......provate un po' voi a dire .....e vediamo chi riesce a indovinare....
Aggiornamento - allora vi do response, the cookies are called Moon cake and keep them a yolk salted duck eggs from quite firm texture that contrasts with the whole. Now is not that I know how to recognize the yolks of two-legged, but at least in theory it should be so, so far as I'm concerned it could also be eaten warm chicken ;-)
the contrasts are remarkable and I must say that is not bad, while at room temperature is a little 'sickly.

Now we come to the water chestnuts and chestnut that have only the appearance, they are actually fruits that are born in water as easily peel that the skin is tender, the flesh of white color and slightly sweet flavor of juicy, crisp like an apple grenny smith, eat raw meat but also with other vegetables or chopped and mixed with other vegetables, such as filling for ravioli, you can also find their meal that can be used to thicken like our cornstarch and the like ...........

I've tried the first in a savory dish with a Soutè the same way as bok choy and boiled half an hour while being maintained their crispness, which depending on the tastes can be a defect or a virtue ... ... but then I decided to try them taste sweet and have chosen for a pudding, while the first course I did not make photos of the second course I give you the recipe, you never know you go to the grocery store by the parties in Hong Kong ^________^ but if it seems a bit 'uncomfortable, you can always order here or here

Ingredients: 15 water chestnuts, half a liter of milk, two tablespoons of sugar, two tablespoons of prepared vanilla pudding, 3 to 4 cubes of a chocolate bar white, a tablespoon of milk.

Preparation: Peel the chestnuts and chop them, put them in milk and bring to boil, add sugar and cook for about 30 minutes a fuoco basso, poi frullare il tutto e rimettere sul fuoco aggiungere il preparato e lasciare addensare ( circa 3 minuti)  prendere le coppette che bagnerete sotto acqua corrente prima di versarvi il budino. Una volta freddati sformate il budino su un piattino. Fate sciogliere il cioccolato con il latte,  e versatelo sul dolce sparpagliando di ribes essicati.

Ingredienti per un piccolo vasetto di ribes essiccati : 350 gr. di ribes, 100 gr. di zucchero, acqua qb.

Preparazione dei ribes : mentre  riscaldate il forno a 100 gradi, mettere sul fuoco medio un tegame con i ribes facendo in modo che siano la  maggior part lying on the bottom, pour over sugar and tablespoon of water baths Quach bottom, cook stirring until the currants will break the skin, (4 - 5 minutes).
Those that remain intact, you crush them with the back of the spoon ..... do it gently because they are naughty and if you can spray at will ^___^

Allow to cool, cover a baking tray with parchment paper for drying currant, lower the oven and bake at 70 degrees. Let them by 3 to 4 hours, turning them upside down at least two or three times. Then you can leave them covered with a towel at room temperature for one night and one day, a few more hours, or leave them in the oven at low temperature (50 to 70) depends on how you want them to dry. Finally

separate them a bit 'together and arrange in a glass jar, ready for use. You can not separate one for a perfectly, but this matters little in the mix.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Canada Drivers Licence Templates

dried bread into a masala-scented French toast

At this time also because of the cold and short days I feel in the mood to bake and I must say .... I say softly for luck, not that the products are not bad.
the feast of bread Bressanone I had already taken some flour mixed with yeast added ..... now that I think that is what I can to make bread? certain is that meals are great and the soaring right, I do not do anything but put more spices or seeds that inspire me and water.
This time it was the turn of the white bread that I flavored with two teaspoons masala for vegetables, bread came out smelling of exotic
^___^ I do not know how far market, I think more than anything else in the northeast, for which you may choose a windmill in your neighborhood that already produces flour mix, or put your yeast and seeds.

Ingredients: 500 gr. white bread flour mix Rieper, 330 - 350 of warm water, 2 teaspoons masala for vegetables.

Preparation : Add two teaspoons masala for vegetables to the flour and stir, add water gradually until dough is smooth and homogeneous, cover with a damp cloth and let rise in a warm place , like 30 degrees with the oven door just barely open for 30 to 40 minutes. Take back the dough and make it a cylinder without stretching it to work it, fold it in half and twist. Return it to rise for another half hour into the mold that will go in the oven. Preheat oven to 200 degrees and bake for 30 minutes, do the toothpick test and if dry bake bread and make it cool on a wire rack.

Once cooled this is how I transformed
two slices of good bread in a warm and delicious French toast for brunch at home.
I found the idea in the book opposite, with small variations are prepared me happy, it's always nice to have but tasty alternative to fast when the desire to cook is an option.

Ingredients: Two slices of toast, two teaspoons of butter to which I have mixed a teaspoon of mustard grains, half-ripe but firm pear, parmesan cheese best when fresh, in mieleaceto pleasure, pinch of salt.

Preparation : The
mieleaceto vinitaly I bought the product and is a good, if not you can always do it yourself by putting a bit of honey to heat and add balsamic vinegar, leave until they are well blended and vinegar is reduced the most liquid evaporates (few minutes), allow to cool before using it, so that the density-candy buyback.

Spread slices with butter on one side and a pinch of salt. Peel the pear and cut into thin strips.
shaved parmesan cheese and place it on your bread buttered on the side not, pour a little vinegar, honey and put on the sliced \u200b\u200bpear, a little more 'cover with vinegar, honey and other parmesan cheese and close the toast with the buttered side out.

Now you just need to put it in the toaster or like I did before I toasted the slices in a buttered pan and then once filled and closed past the microwave oven with grill.