Perfect! Now I'm
tutti lì a meravigliarsi e a stracciarsi le vesti per questi dati, compresi i politicanti abituali e i giornalisti loro abituali zerbini...
Ma dove diavolo erano queste anime candide quando negli anni scorsi lo spauracchio europeo per gli agricoltori è stato quello delle quote di produzione da rispettare, a prezzo di multe milionarie, della distruzione forzata dei raccolti e del continuo e progressivo abbandono dei campi o della destinazione alimentare dei prodotti agricoli.
Certo, ora è più comodo e "trendy" dare la colpa a quei dannati piccoli cinesi che hanno cominciato a mangiare di più e meglio e hanno fatto aumentare la domanda e di conseguenza il prezzo dei prodotti alimentari di base.
Il mio pensiero è invece that this increase is the best that could happen at this time to bring in power at the head of many that our only chance to survive on this planet and in decent condition, is to give value back to the primary activities as agriculture for food.
Unfortunately, as always, the social costs will be borne mostly by the mass of "subjects fixed income," but I really hope with all my heart that this situation will contribute to ensuring that working the land once again becoming a viable and attractive option for many of those from rural areas that until now have been forced to flee towards the shimmering mirage of development and consumerism wild.
maybe I'll be a bit 'too much, "Pasolini", but this model of society that runs ahead at breakneck speed without having the ability to guess an arrival point in his career I can not see a future, or at least a future that can somehow be desirable.
I think more and more instead of having to hope to move on, stop the run and maybe take a few steps back and towards the recovery of some socio-economic development perspective. When
labor, land, animals and humans will return to have more value than the mountain of paper (watermarked or not) that today we are forced to worship, maybe you can return to hope ...
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