Tonight unusual midweek release for reasons gymnastic-runners. Taking advantage of the less hot day we decided to go jogging to the location of lines, five minutes from home. Especially unexpected and unbelievable crowds of boys and girls who have suffered through his teeth cowardly branded as "idlers" and "-nothing," for us after all we've done well, a bit 'anti-social with little desire to have a large audience to see us gasp with his tongue hanging out ... ;-)
Unfortunately, going to things less funny every time we run we find that the negligence, neglect and degradation of that little green spaces that remain, continue to reign supreme. And this not only guilty for the little attention given by the directors always Genoese, but especially for the incivility when the vandalism is not exactly excited about all this area. Benches
routes, a few overturned garbage bins constantly even when uprooted by the cement that was holding them, paper and "rumenta" varies anywhere, a bleak scenario that occasional or regular visitors now pretend not to see to try to do a little ' gym or running without the desperation to cry.
A thorough cleaning was put in place a month ago after a year of complete abandonment, but after only a few days some son di padre ignoto e madre di facili costumi ha riportato la situazione al punto di partenza, distruggendo e insozzando tutto quello che è riuscito a trovare.
C'era stato un periodo in cui nella zona erano state organizzate attività di pulizia e ripristino curate da alcuni volontari detenuti delle carceri cittadine che, felici di potere uscire dalla desolante realtà quotidiana, svolgevano un lavoro utile e molto apprezzato. Ovviamente, come tutte le iniziative intelligenti, ha avuto vita corta e non se ne è più sentito parlare.
Probabilmente il fatto che trarne vantaggio fossero solo pochi "galeotti" e alcuni "poveracci" come noi, che invece di pagarci la retta di una bella palestra con l'aria condizionata, ce ne andiamo a correre outdoors, was not considered quite profitable and politically viable by local administrators.
So it goes today: sometimes a good spirit takes the broom in hand and try to stem the decline with its small force (see days of volunteering that are organized every month).
The battle against neglect and incivility seems really learn, unfortunately ...
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