Will remember her friend Valentina, who knows how many times scopertasi dead inside her, before deciding to take his life just over a month and a half ago.
I always considered incomprehensible sexual violence. Monstrously incomprehensible. And it is something that takes
whenever stomach discover how many of these horrible monsters who live among us.
--- When in high school I had the impression that we would go away. Valeria, me, Valerie. Valeria and I were doing the last few years going steady, as only best friends can do: we went out together, we had mutual friends, we were the "pull" of the group. And yes, there was always Valentina: evenings, concerts, afternoons at home. For the New Year in the mountains. Valeria and I always dissolute, with our love, our fixed policy, our initiatives funny - we agreed to dress alike (tomorrow amphibians and Che T-shirt!) - Did the alternative, the buffoon. We kept a notebook where we wrote our secret: we had dubbed the "Valvolone" (vent). We also shot video funny and entertaining (there was still no youtube ... they used the 8mm). Valentina was that we recovered. It took us around, her youngest of us di un paio d'anni. Stava al gioco con una sorta di condiscendenza bonaria, affettuosa. Probabilmente era più matura di me e Valeria messe insieme. Entrambe le sorelle avevano uno spiccato senso artistico (il padre è un eccellente pittore) e un fortissimo senso etico e civile (e questo credo lo abbiano ereditato dalla mamma). Dopo il liceo mi sono trasferita a Milano per l'università. Un paio d'anni dopo è arrivata a Milano anche Valentina: abbiamo passato anni meravigliosi di condivisione (costavano ancora poco gli affitti... ma a noi sembravano cifre enormi!). Oltre a disegnare meravigliosamente (e affinare il suo talento in una prestigiosa scuola per stilisti), sapeva anche cucire eccezionali creations. Very special clothes, wearing wonderfully. Clothes that managed to be both elegant and grunge, both classic and avant-garde. The name was Tolentino. Sometimes she gave me a shirt, a pair of pants daughters usually happened when they borrow for the third time (that patience, Talentino!) It was so beautiful that for some time also made a model. I just got its first test: one of these beautiful photos I publish here. Why do newspapers really have been harsh. Even his look was special: he had a honey-colored eye and one blue eye. But unfortunately does not make black and white. Talentino. When was attacked six years ago, I was in Switzerland, by relatives. 'm back in Milan. But never told me anything. He said that Mercedes had reached her and her boyfriend (a very sweet boy, very good. Like you). Some guys, probably stoned, had begun to beat and insult them. And then they had done something. had passed another car, had slowed down: they had escaped. And then came back. Valentina And there it stopped. He would not say more, such as blocked. He added that only then would not make them go away, which was launched on their car, they fled. And she in the hospital - all night - had not done anything but repeat the number plate, obsessively.
Valentina gone from Milan. He wanted to leave everything behind, start over.
She did: she enrolled in a new faculty in Turin, neuropsychiatry. I said, study and work, yes, I am happy here. We were on the phone, more and more rare. He faced
processes. Her family was close. But it was not enough. Those nasty
have not made one day in prison, they were uncensored spoiled children. If I remember correctly Novara.
I want to know their names.
Valentina has committed suicide Saturday. Yes
She killed herself. He would have been 29 years in a few days.
I know them. Know their names.
know their names and write everywhere. Because they were laughing in the process. Because if they screwed up. Why not have the right to be considered part of our society. Why not recognize them as citizens. Why not consider them human beings.
not forget it. And do not forget them, the bastards.
Hello Valentina.
I invite you to go see the original post at the bottom of of emmart, Valentina is a beautiful picture, which I preferred not to post here: a slender girl, magrissima, la cui fragilità si intravede anche dietro i grandi occhi spalancati e attenti.Un solo commento personale: in casi come questo mi piacerebbe tanto potere credere ad un qualche dio giusto, comunque si voglia fare chiamare, che facesse vivere a tutte le persone che provocano così tanta sofferenza un'eternità di dolore e rimorso...
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