Yes, a British magazine, after a thorough study, has confirmed that there are many more bacteria in a computer keyboard in a cup for toilet.
Who did this study? A biologist
on behalf of the British magazine "Which? Computing who examined 30 keyboards in an office.
The germs found in keyboards that can especially cause problems?
bacteria found could cause food poisoning, such as diarrhea and other gastrointestinal disorders.
What is the value of bacteria found?
In a keyboard in particular has been found a quantity 150 times more bacteria than the limit maximum of harmful bacteria (one cup contains on average toilet 30 times more, so the keyboard was five times dirtier than a toilet bowl for)
What is the main cause of dirt in the keyboard?
Two of the main causes of dirty keyboards are charged consumed in the snack at your desk working and poor personal hygiene.
To prevent soiling of the keyboards I can do something?
It 's very important to clean the keyboard a few times a month (see question below on how to clean a keyboard) and wash your hands after you went to the bathroom or having eaten. If
you want to do a more thorough cleaning, I invite you to visit this link.
How can I act to clean the keyboard? First
after turning off the computer, the keyboard a little shake to remove any crumbs and dust nestled beneath the keys, then wipe with a cloth dipped in alcohol, after going through another cloth to dry.
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