In Italy there are a lot of strange names, present in the telephone ... an example? Mr. "First Cold" accompanied by Mrs. "Snow White". Or "Margaret of the Garden" and "Cross of God" sono solo un esempio dei nomi strani presenti in Italia, esiste un modo per cambiare nome, vediamo come fare.
A chi devo rivolgermi per fare il cambio nome?
Chiunque intenda cambiare il nome o aggiungere al proprio un altro nome o cambiare il cognome perché ridicolo o vergognoso, deve essere autorizzato dal Ministro dell’Interno tramite apposita istanza da inoltrare al Prefetto della provincia in cui il richiedente ha la sua residenza. Il Prefetto assume le informazioni sulla domanda curandone l’istruttoria e la trasmette al Ministero dell’Interno con il proprio parere.
Quale documentazione mi serve?
-->la domanda in stamp duty from € 14.62
at this address in the form to change name
at this address in the form to change name
-> statement in lieu of certification, signed by the applicant, stating the place and date of birth, residence, family status and citizenship or the related certificates to this address you download the form
-> any relevant documentation to support the reason for requesting
-> copy of a document identity (only if sent by mail)
-> declaration of consent of any stakeholders, accompanied by a photocopy of an identity document If you have the same
minors instead follow the steps to address this
What should I write in the request?
In the request, shall disclose the change you want to make the name or surname or the first or last name that you intend to take the reasons that characterize the request.
I can choose to assign any name?
No, some names not be used, or the names of historical significance and those of the most illustrious families of the area and notes the applicant.
requests must also play exceptional and are allowed only in situations objectively relevant, supported by adequate documentation and significant reasons.
there a list of special names in the directory Italian?
The list is extensive, here's a short list of names of specific individuals Italian: WIFE Romana, Massimo thirty years, Clare VIRGIN, Cone LOVE, RUBY Donato, Pietro Marmo, Cyrus Day, Guido PARTIES, Desire STY, PORK Pasquale, DALLEPALLE quiet, GAY Felice, Massimo RICHIONE, Culetto NARCISO, Salvatore SALVO, Salvatore EXPERT, Buondi 'Camilla, TEGO Lino,
GRAIN DUST and Stella Doro.
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