Yes, Christopher Sands, 24-year-old English is from February of 2006 which suffers from chronic hiccups. Sobbing each, just two seconds (for up to 12 hours a day).
there a remedy for this persistent hiccups?
According to doctors at the Queen's Medical Centre in Nottingham, this problem is due to a stomach valvolta malfunctioning, so it is to be repaired with surgery.
What problems has this guy in everyday life sobbing so frequently?
The problems are varied , can not drive, work, sing, struggling to eat, and can not even play the playstation for example. The remedies of hypnosis, with yoga, herbal products or in a hyperbaric charge, are not counted for nothing ... in the meantime the boy in the course of a year is estimated to have sobbed for 7.9 million times.
Why have the hiccups?
The hiccups may occur, for example, following a sudden expansion of stomaco oppure per bruschi sbalzi di temperatura, in caso di ingerimento non corretto di un liquido o per irritazione del diaframma.
Quale è la persona che più ha singhiozzato nella sua vita?
Il record mondiale della maggiore durata di un attacco di singhiozzo (durato ininterrottamente dal 1922 al 1990) è detenuto dallo statunitense Charles Osborne (1894–1991) di Anthon, in Iowa. Ha avuto inizialmente il singhiozzo con una frequenza pari a 40 singulti al minuto, diminuita poi a 20 singulti al minuto ed infine cessando del tutto nel febbraio del 1990, dopo ben 68 anni.
Esistono rimedi per il singhiozzo?
I metodi , che si dicono, possono far passare hiccups are a good fright, drink a little bit of vinegar, drink lots of water, but slowly, hold your breath for 20 to 30 seconds, while another method is absolutely unscientific, and so we invite you to do a test to see if it works , is to recite the following rhyme:
"my hiccups Hiccups / go go in the water in the well / go to the heart of one who loves me / loves me though if it takes / and if no such comes to me"
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