It is a powerful yoga breathing technique known because it helps overcome sadness, negativity, stress and depression. WARNING: even if it is only a moderate breathing technique, do not try this if you suffer from cardiac problems, nasal obstruction, asthma, colds or respiratory infections, high blood pressure, diabetes, stomach ulcers .
I take this description from the site for you Pure Inside-Out .
web page also find a video (taken from the site Health & Yoga ) in which a teacher demonstrates how to do it practically.
"We all know that laughter is the most powerful medicine. But you know why? Guessed it - because it works in exactly the same way as this purification technique with the breath.
The heat generated has powerful effects on the respiratory system it purifies the nasal passage and lungs. In addition, Kapalbhati does wonders for the mind - with this procedure you will be free from stress and experience a unique sense of calm. The mind is remarkably clear. on a regular basis will lead to levels higher consciousness.
Among the physical benefits, a great stimulation of the digestive organs and circulatory system. The technique increases in an extraordinary exchange of gases in the lungs. There is large-scale elimination of carbon dioxide and a large uptake of oxygen.
Sit in a comfortable position with your back straight. Or you can sit cross-legged or in any position you feel comfortable enough. Breathe normally for about a minute. Once you are relaxed and calm, you can begin. First, the diaphragm exerted exhaling suddenly and quickly through both nostrils, producing a sound as snort. Do not think inhalation. Will be automatic and passive. The air is completely expelled from the lungs with a sudden, rapid stroke while at the same time bring into the abdominal muscles. The breath should be expelled completely. Inhaling is automatic - the abdominal muscles will relax automatically. The exercise should be done in three cycles, each of 11 breaths (for beginners).
Each cycle should last about a minute. You can take a short break, as desired, between cycles. For the duration of the exercise, the chest should be held still, without expanding or contracting. It is used not only the diaphragm and the upper chest.
In a month of practice, the number of breaths per minute can be gradually increased from 11 to 30. Practice this technique on a regular basis (once or twice a day) and you'll be really surprised with the results of this purification method.
The technique is always performed on an empty stomach - at least 2 hours after meals.
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