thoughts are rampant consumerism in our society that may well seem trivial, but about which we may not always stop to think enough.
For example, how many of our behavior of consumers and our actions are spontaneous and induced many?
And in a society "free" as we hear around is our ... ;-), What are the real space of freedom, of their methods and scale of our consumption, of which we can get it?
Happy reading!
The consumer never goes on vacation
If your regular job, thanks to centuries of trade union struggles, saw a right to paid holiday, the consumer has no such right. Indeed the so-called "holidays" are usually the busiest time of year for the consumer. More ever emerge the duties of the religion of consumerism: spending in a manner appropriate to his social rank, even to do more and stand in spending, to visit faraway places where no knowledge is ever gone before, or at least go on vacation to a resort for VIPs. As always, the clothing is important and it must indicate the status of a holiday, preferably as a practitioner of an exotic sports. For those who just can not go on vacation is right to devote some time to visit huge shopping malls and buy useless objects in industrial quantities.
The new cathedrals
The new cathedrals, powerful symbols of the religion of the third millennium, are the giant malls sprouting all the time on the outskirts of town. Everyone wants to be bigger than the previous best to honor the god of money. From architectural point of view are interesting: the great times, use of new materials, daring perspectives, symbols recognizable from a distance. Where once the great architects worked for the Church, now working for the economic-trade religion. course on Sunday (and Saturday) the cathedrals are full of the faithful.
live up to live up to del proprio status sociale bisogna rispettare una serie di regole: - la casa deve avere una buona estetica, deve essere spaziosa, pulita, ordinata; - l'automobile deve essere grande e potente, di classe; - si deve mangiare da raffinati, cibi gustosi e variati, preferibilmente in buona compagnia. Però l'ultimo punto fa ingrassare ed è difficile rimediare con la palestra o con le diete. La soluzione più giusta per mantenere la linea sarebbe mangiare da poveri.
Un accordo soddisfacente
Nella società dello spettacolo vive solo chi consuma. Un'eccezione a questa regola è data those who act in a show, they live a fuller life, according also to the reputation that they can achieve. On many occasions, a good compromise to live a fuller life is to organize a play. actors, the protagonists of the show, are the most satisfied, but others also have the opportunity to consume goods-performance and show it to be alive and viable, honoring the religion of the show.
signals of crisis
For years one of the claimants in the catchy TV summer were the damage caused by sun exposure and techniques to protect themselves. All this clearly serves to stimulate buy creams, ointments and dermatological services. Today the music is changed. You hear with the insistence of the beneficial effects of the sun. The experts are scrambling to explain the numerous cases in which the sun is good for the skin that the human body in general. Evidently commercial priorities have changed and the country's summer sale has been reorganized. The feeling is that there has been a collapse in the seaside resorts of admissions and that the media campaign to try to stem the collapse. In the cases where I have personal experience, I can only confirm that people in holiday destinations seem to me much less than in previous years. Clearly this is not we can speak explicitly on the media, but the news emerging in the form of a sales campaign, at least for those who can read the media.
tasks Vacation
Again Republic is engaged in a campaign against the tasks for the holidays. I remember years ago a short article in which it was argued the futility of this practice. On August 11 a series of articles appeared coordinated. The explanation for those who can read, it is within the articles: the role disrupt the business, affairs. The family finds it difficult to plan your holidays in a manner suited to what you would want from them, travel, sports, are limited by the need to study and bring back books. The example in this is to "go fishing". why Republic is fighting duties. course also the tasks for the holidays are a business, which so far has yielded gains in several publishing companies. With the advance of the Italian degradation prevails but today the need of the economic system - to spend shopping for the whole family instead of a mere student.
The consumer should never be retired
Many are eagerly awaiting the day to retire to enjoy life as well, enough with the work, you can do what they like. But in the consumer society the real work is to the consumer. The senior will too often with the desire to consume without the money to do it or find it hard so huge for sightseeing trips at low cost and see the same things you might see at home. Fantozzi told him well. was much more sensible than once a pension when we retired to the countryside to cultivate the land, to recover the harmonious relationship with nature. A typical form of consumption of the elderly who can not spend is to medicine and medical services. Under the pretext of curing their health can consume a lot, thus honoring the religion.
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