are for you these basic exercises of the so-called 'yoga for the eyes' of which we will talk again soon and in greater depth. Article of the tips are taken Dr. Chiara Villani (Benessere.com) su come coccolare i propri occhi - prova e aspettati risultati strepitosi!
"Un esercizio utile per ridurre la tensione : sfregatevi le mani per riscaldare i palmi, chiudete gli occhi e appoggiatevi sopra le mani, toccando leggermente le ossa intorno agli occhi, ma senza sfiorare le palpebre. Contate fino a 70.

Con la testa ben ferma, roteare lentamente lo sguardo clockwise. The eyes are turned to where you can succeed. With practice you will realize how you can "wake up" muscles which are currently unaware of its existence.
Beat repeatedly lashes a slow count of twenty. Keep your eyes closed for another twenty seconds. Finish the exercise keeping our eyes wide open as possible (at least twenty seconds).
You can repeat this exercise during the day, especially if you stay long in front of books or computers. A break of this type will help relax the muscles of the eye and to "break" the merger ".
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