Being a bit 'suspicious and disillusioned, I hope that does not recover all the Italian, taking the excuse for the introduction of new heavy taxes levied on people who love dogs and the total non-application of the measures against the beasts to abandon them. However, I'd like to have a comment more than competent readers by the animal involved in the field (we hope that the duo of steel 4dogsrecords non si senta fischiare troppo le orecchie...)
E' stata pubblicata in Gazzetta Ufficiale l'Ordinanza firmata dal Sottosegretario alla Salute, Francesca Maritini, in materia di anagrafe canina. Si tratta di un primo importante atto formale , e innovativo sotto diversi aspetti, che giunge dopo la recente campagna di sensibilizzazione contro l’abbandono di animali e i controlli dei NAS in alcuni canili e rifugi sparsi sul territorio nazionale, che hanno evidenziato come il fenomeno del randagismo sia tutt’altro che sotto controllo, e che contribuirà a rendere più efficiente l’anagrafe canina, migliorandone il controllo e la gestione.
Secondo quanto reso noto dal Ministero, 's identification will be by the public and veterinary professionals are entitled to access their dogs. The veterinarian will ensure the same recording anagrafe canine animal "essential to prevent evasion, making the application of the Ordinance a lot easier." Innovative
also available for which the municipalities, which is responsible to identify and record or register the dogs found on the captured territory and those housed in shelters and in the nearby structure, must provide their local police at least device reading ISO-compatible microchip indispensable tool that will complement their agents during the health checks of stray dogs.
The ban on the sale of puppies under the age of the two mes also addresses the need to respect a fundamental ethological characteristic that is the relationship between the mother and her children. The ban on the sale of dogs are not identified and registered instead responds moral obligation to ensure the animal, although regarded as an object, the possibility of a peaceful life , making it more difficult to abandon.
Important in perspective, finally, the decision to establish the deadline di 90 giorni dall'entrata in vigore dell'ordinanza, per la definizione di un provvedimento, da sancire in sede di Conferenza Stato-Regioni, contenente le modalità per assicurare l'interoperatività tra la banca dati canina nazionale e le anagrafi canine regionali . Lo stesso provvedimento individuerà un unico documento di identificazione e registrazione dei cani e dovrà essere adottato in sostituzione della certificazione attuale del ministero del Lavoro, della Salute e delle Politiche Sociali.
“Apprezziamo l’atto normativo, seppure d’urgenza, voluto dal Sottosegretario alla Salute Francesca Martini – dichiara Ilaria Innocenti, del settore Cani LAV and cats - with this Ordinance has opened a new season for pets and has started its journey throughout the country to ensure the uniform application of national legislation on the identification of dogs. "
The measures contained in the Order are very important for a serious fight against stray dogs. This result was achieved thanks to a commonality of the technical panel, in which the LAV has played an important role, strongly backed by Secretary of Martini, which preceded the Ordinance.
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