Nel semestrale documento di Symantec chiamato " Internet Security Threat Report " vengono riportate le varie minacce informatiche, e come si stanno evolvendo nel tempo. In particolare quest'oggi ci focalizziamo sul costo dei nostri dati personali su internet, ovvero quanto i malintenzionati sono disposti a spendere per avere le informazioni.
Il valore delle informazioni di una carta di credito è lo stesso da stato a stato?
No, sempre secondo lo studio, negli Stati Uniti le carte di credito sono circa otto volte di più rispetto all' Unione Europea, questa 'scarsità' fa si che i dati delle carte di credito dell'Unione Europea valgano di più the marketplace and have the information you get to spend even twice.
Who wants to pay to get information on credit cards of people around the world prefer to have information on Europeans or Americans?
The very fact that the identity of a credit card is worth more than a European American is required to understand how the European identity on the market. The main reason could be identified in the feasibility of a European citizen to travel to all European Union countries without a passport, this flexibility may be useful to identity thieves who could use easily in all EU countries.
Buy a
More information, less spending?
Yes, according to the study, an attacker who buys a block of 50 information cards spends $ 0.80 each, while those who buy 500 spends $ 0.40, like going to a warehouse.
There 's been a fall for what concerns the sale of credit card information?
Apparently yes, in the last six months, there 'was a drop of about 20%, the reasons can be searched in the banks that are equipped and are more attentive to promptly inform customers in case of suspicious transactions and block the card as soon as possible.
You can make a list generality of the worth of our personal information over the internet?
information of our bank accounts worth between $ 10 - $ 1000
information of our credit cards between $ 0.40 - $ 20 an identity
full (first name last name email birth date ...) is worth between $ 1 - $ 15
The user of an online auction site is worth $ 1 - $ 8
To find a password to an email but the cost is $ 4 - $ 30
Where can I find more information?
more detailed and precise information can be found at this address www.symantec.com
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