It 's very important that you assume the posture at the computer to prevent physical problems over the course of time. There is also a software that helps in this.
How should be the chair and table?
must be proportionate to the body, very often happens instead is too small. A desk should be about 70-80 cm high, with an area that has not reflected. Under the desk instead is the possibility of leg room, so do not be obstacles if possible. You should also make sure that you may rest your forearms while typing on the keyboard and the mouse (to move with your wrists straight) is on the same floor of the keyboard.
swivel chair should be, however, to allow the movement of the body and can be adjusted in height and the back rest.
The keyboard should be maintained at a slight angle instead.
How posture must be maintained?
must keep your back straight and head upright position, so as to avoid bending of the trunk, which automatically call the muscles of the neck, and elbows should be supported.
If possible, avoid fixed postures for prolonged periods.
At what height should be adjusted the chair?
The height of the chair should be such as to prevent the raising of the shoulders as soon as leaning his elbows on the shelf.
thighs and legs have to make a 90 degree angle while the sole of the foot should rest completely on the ground.
How far should I keep the monitor?
The distance should be proportional to the brightness of the monitor and the environment, however a distance of about 50-70 is enough.
light sources?
sources of light 'surrounding it must come from the side and possibly natural light. The lights that emit beams at the desk to the keyboard or monitor are harmful.
The monitor should be placed so that the horizontal line of the eye corresponds to the upper edge of the desktop. As for
eyes every half hour would be good to distract the view from the screen and move their attention on a distant object. A good exercise is to look away from the screen blinking.
there a program that helps me stay in shape in front of the pc?
Yes, there is a free software on a regular basis shows a window that shows an animated picture, accompanied by a text explaining the exercise to be done and the implementing rules. The exercises are simple and most can easily do the job. The program is called Exercise Minder and can be downloaded at this address
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