The TV is part of our lives, but today we want to collect all the readers of ilfiltro.blogspot.com "all first Sometimes the TV. More specifically ...
What was the first advance of the Italian football championship television broadcast live on television? The first advance
television broadcast of a football match was Atalanta - Triestina of October 15, 1955, broadcast live by RAI. While Juventus - Milan on 5 February 1950 was the first game broadcast live.
What was the first television program broadcasted worldwide?
Monovision was inaugurated July 23, 1962, made possible by satellite Telstar I, the first intercontinental satellite. The first image broadcast worldwide, was a fragment of the meeting Baseball Chicago Cubs and Philadelphia Phillies between.
When it was aired for the first time on TV the Palio di Siena?
The direct Palio di Siena, the plaintiff two times a year, was televised for the first time in July 1954.
When it was aired for the first time the Festival of San Remo on TV?
The festival of San Remo, born in 1951, was aired for the first time in 1955 (won by festival Tullio Pane e Claudio Villa ) and was broadcast in Eurovision.
When was the first broadcast TV ad?
E 'was broadcast in Carousel , Broadcast on RAI's first channel, 3 February 1957 (Carousel would last until January 1, 1977). In this period, Carousel has always aired from 8:50 p.m. to 21:00 except during the Friday and on two occasions, the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy and the massacre of Piazza Fontana .
What was the first time that the TV broadcast in Italy in color?
On 24 February 1977 began officially broadcasting in color, national character. In fact, it was for several years that other countries did, but in Italy there was a tendency to postpone the event for political reasons. It must be said that in 1971 Italian Broadcasting Telenapoli fece le prime trasmissioni a colori via cavo, ma non a livello nazionale e che la Rai aveva già trasmesso a colori sperimentalmente le Olimpiadi di Monaco del 1972 e aveva ripreso con le Olimpiadi di Montreal dal 17 luglio 1976.
Quando è stato trasmesso per la prima volta in Italia il televideo?
Il televideo è stato trasmesso per la prima volta in Italia nel 1984 , ed erano pubblicate circa 300 pagine, contro le 900 dei giorni nostri.
Quando è comparso il primo televisore LCD ? E il primo televisore al plasma?
Nel 2000 è comparso il primo monitor con tecnologia LCD, soluzione adottata già da un po' di tempo per i monitor da computer. The first plasma screen, however, was already on the market since 1997.
When there 'was first broadcast on digital terrestrial?
E 'was on 1 December 2003, when the Mediaset television network first started digital terrestrial broadcasting. To address this
www.prima-tv.it can find a great catalog of all television programming divided for years.
We also thank several explanations for Pino Frisoli, author of the book "The TV sports " (Edizioni Traces of Pescara), which deals among other things, the history of television. If you want to know more, you can visit his blog: pinofrisoli.blogspot.com
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