Prof Richard Wiseman and British Association for the Advancement of Science, did a study using the internet to find the funniest joke in the world asking for their vote to people scattered in every corner of the earth. At the end of our article we propose them.
How many jokes and how many votes have been counted?
were examined almost 40,000 jokes for a total of 1.5 million votes.
More information can be found at this address laughlab.co.uk
There are best of times or days in which to make people laugh for a joke or a joke?
According to the study, it appears that at 18:03 people are far more likely to laugh at a joke, while the opposite is at 1:30, the time when people tend to laugh less (and even more if you call in middle of the night to have them ...!).
As for the day of the month, it seems that 15 days is the best day of the month, while the worst are those at the beginning and end of the month.
Laughing is good for the body?
A good laugh increases heart rate, helps you breathe more deeply, and stretches different muscles of the face and upper body.
Which is one of the basics for a good joke?
We exploit the concept of inconsistency, are funny things that seem out of place or out of our expectations, as a " You came to the attention of man drowned in a bowl of muesli? E 'was pulled under by a strong currant ! "or " I told my gym instructor "Can you teach me to do some good push ups?" The instructor said, "It depends on how you're flexible ...?" And I said ..." Can not the Tuesday ".
because people tend to laugh if someone slips on a banana peel or is taken to pies in the face?
In this case, we laugh because such situations make us feel superior to others, because we are the first to think that these things would happen to us ever.
An example is this joke:
A woman walks into a bar with a duck, and put it on a stool alongside. The waiter arrived shortly after and said, "Hey, I've never seen a goose in this room!" The woman exclaimed: "It 's a duck, not a goose!" And the waiter, "Look, I was talking to the duck!" or "For eighteen years my husband and I were the happiest people in the world! Then we met."
There are jokes that they laugh more in some stati che in altri?
In molti paesi europei come ad esempio Francia, Danimarca e Belgio, hanno avuto successo le battute surreali, come ad esempio questa:
Un pastore tedesco va alle poste per fare un telegramma e detta cosa vuole scrivere:
“Woof. "Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof.” Woof ".
L'addetto alle poste esamina la carta ed educatamente dice al cane: "Ci sono solo nove parole qui. È possibile inviare un altro 'Woof' per lo stesso prezzo. "
"Mah" -il cane risponde- "se lo aggiungo non avrebbe senso".
Quale è risultata la seconda barzelletta più divertente del mondo?
Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson go on a campeggio.Sistemano their tent and go to sleep. In the middle of the night Holmes calls "Watson, look at the stars and say what he sees!"
Watson replies: "I see millions and millions of stars."
Holmes replies: "and what do I deduce from this?"
Watson "Well .. that someone has stolen our tent!"
And lastly, what was the funniest joke in the world?
Two hunters in the woods when one of them collapses. He seems to breathe and her eyes are wide open. The other guy then takes the phone and immediately called the medical center. "My friend is dead!" What can I do? ". The operator says "Calm down. I need help. First, make sure it is actually dead. "There is a silence, then you hear a shotgun blast. The boy returned the phone back and says," OK, now what do I do? "
for you this may be the funniest joke in the world? you have more to offer and if so .. scrivetecela the most fun we will publish them.
The photos you see in this article portrays the inventor of the joke, that Mr. Gurpal during awards.
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