is a traditional yoga practice, but there is no need to be ahead in the study of discipline to try to apply it: sit in a comfortable position with your back straight, or lying (you can then use the technique even if you're already in bed and sleep still eludes me).
With eyes closed, focused on the throat just to try to view throat opening that allows you to pass the air of breath.
Imagine breathing through this opening, and seeks to produce, inhalation and exhalation, a buzz between the nose and throat - like a bee.
As he explains in his Gabriella Cella Yoga and Health - How to take care with the technique Eastern (Pocket Bompiani),
"... the beginning is very difficult able to provoke him, it is sometimes only in inspiration, others only in expiration.
When able to do so properly, the buzzing will resonate in the center of the head, causing a feeling of incredible sleepiness " .

cell'll find in the book of techniques and positions to address the problem insomnia, so if you suffer from this problem in a serious form, the advice is to get closer to yoga - I can say from experience that there is nothing more beneficial and enjoyable to find the right balance staff even sleep in the alternation -wake.
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