Sunday, October 5, 2008

White Cervical Mucus Just Before Periods

What are this year's Ig Nobel Prize winners?

What is the Ig Nobel Prize?
Ig Nobel Prize (pronounced IgNobel) is a parody of Nobel Prize, awarded each year to one or two weeks before the announcement of the winners of the real Nobel Prize. ten prizes are awarded each year to as many scientific studies of dubious constructive.

How many years esiste questo premio?
La prima edizione dei premi Ig Nobel si tenne nel 1991

Chi ha vinto il premio per l'alimentazione?
E’ un italiano, il Dr. Massimiliano Zampini, psicologo sperimentale dell’Università di Trento, che ha ricevuto il premio. Lo studio che ha richiesto l’arruolamento di volontari pagati con 5 sterline , si prefiggeva di valutare il ruolo dell’udito e del rumore percepito durante la masticazione. A questo indirizzo foto del test.

Chi ha vinto il premio per la pace?
Il Comitato etico della Federazione Svizzera per la biotecnologia non umana, riguardo l'approvazione del legal principle that plants also have a dignity that must be respected and taken into account

Who won the prize for archeology?
Prize for archeology Astolfo Gomes de Mello Araujo and Jose Carlos Marcelino for showing that armadillos can scramble up an archaeological dig . If you want the book you can buy at this address . Who's going

won the prize for biology?
Marie-Christine Cadiergues, Christel Joubert and Michel Franc for discovering that fleas living on dogs can jump as high as those who live on a cat

Who won the prize for medicine?
Dan Ariely for demonstrating that expensive fake medicine is more effective than cheaper fake medicines.

Who won the prize for cognitive science?
Toshiyuki Nakagaki, Hiroyasu Yamada, Rio Kobayashi, Atsushi Tero, Akio Ishiguro and Agotha \u200b\u200b Toth for discovering that the wedges of mud may settle puzzle.

Who won the prize for the economy?
Geoffrey Miller, Joshua Tyber and Brent Jordan for discovering that exotic dancers earn more when at the height of fertility.

Who won the prize for physics?
Dorian Raymer and Douglas Smith for proving that heaps of string or hair inevitably tangle.

Who won the Nobel prize for chemistry?
Sheree Umpierre, Joseph Hill and Deborah Anderson for discovering that Coca-Cola is an effective spermicide and CY Hong, CC Shieh, P. Wu and BN Chiang for proving it is not true .

Who won the prize for literature?
David Sims for his study "You bastard: a narrative exploration of the practice of indignation in organizations."


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