Monday, March 7, 2011

Tech Deck Ramps Fiyatları

sbrisolona Verona

photo taken Web
fallen into oblivion this post has magically reappeared, and this is the cake that I brought to dinner on a Saturday night a merry bunch of friends at home where the highlight was the "bigoli torcolo" a typical dish from Verona (big spaghetti and egg noodles) bigoli handmade using a contraption called torcolo that you see on the right ( on which it sits and runs a printing press just to drop the pasta) and I to stay in the local tradition I thought I'd bring sbrisolona.

The recipe is in the friendly contest Sara

The sbrisolona Veronese, whose name derives from brise (Translate crumbs) is a sweet name makes sense that since it is not sliced \u200b\u200bsweet to do, in fact for you to use a tap with his fist in the center and large crumbs that will emerge will be the portions to be drawn, it is a cake that has a very close relative in Mantua, from which, however, is distinguished by not use lard and eggs and is always accompanied by another local product who is the recioto of Verona Soave or Valpolicella  dopodichè vi sentirete in pace con il mondo intero......e visto che siamo in tema di tradizioni veronesi vi lascio con un proverbio tipico che la dice lunga sul piacere del buon bere  da queste parti
-    A ci no ghe piase el vin, che'l Signor ghe toga anca l'aqua    -   ^______^

Ingredienti per 6 persone
100 gr. di farina
100 gr. di fioretto di mais, macinata molto fine
120 gr. di burro a temperatura ambiente
100 gr.
of white cane sugar 100 gr. almonds with skins, I had to finish the Brazil nuts, and I used those.
the grated rind of a lemon
a small glass of brandy, or brandy, but not essential.

Chop a handful of Brazil nuts with a third sugar, and cut roughly others.
Pour all ingredients into a bowl and mix with your fingertips until you get a compound "crumbs".
Take the "crumbs" and pour into the pan.
Fan the cake to settle and press lightly with the tips of your hands to compact the collection. The cake will be about two inches high.
Bake at 180 degrees for 45 minutes.
not be removed until the cake has cooled otherwise it breaks.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

How To Install Oakley Shield Riddell Helmet

pepper and pear spaghetti to the cheese

What I like to use the fruit in savory dishes, perhaps someone already knows a little more 'less, but I a small collection, so when I received an invitation from Ramona participating in this contest - fruit on the table - she probably did not know ma sfondava una porta aperta, e per l'occasione ho rielaborato un primo piatto che io non ho mai mangiato ma che quando mi è capitato di vederlo mi ripromettevo sempre  di fare, parlo della pasta cacio e pepe e partendo da questa pasta ho rielaborato la ricetta abbastanza semplicemente ottenendo un primo rustico e corposo usando degli spaghettoni all'uovo dalla consistenza grezza con l'aggiunta di pancetta e pere. Un buon piatto che vi farà arrivare alla cena senza brontolii di stomaco, garantito!!!

Ingredienti  : pancetta fresca, una pera piccola matura ma soda, cacio, pepe, spaghettoni rustici, vino bianco. Le dosi esatte le decidete voi a seconda della fame ^_____^

Preparation: Put water on to boil for the spaghetti, the bacon cut into small cubes and leave to cook slowly until the fat has melted well and made crispy lean, in the meantime, peel the pears and cut his When cubes. When ready remove the bacon from the pan and add the pear, raising the fire so they cook for a few minutes until dora, but making it to remain al dente, sprinkle with a little 'white wine and salt. Add the bacon and leave for a few minutes for the flavors come together. Grate the cheese, drain the pasta with the sauce and season it a good sprinkling of cheese and freshly ground pepper, I used to Sichuan, and then I gave a little lemonade flavor, once again add Serve sprinkled with cheese and pepper with olive oil to finish.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Interior Design Andflorence Accademia Italiana

nut homemade meat pies

I have seen many recipes in the web of homemade vegetable nut, but I itched to do more than meat, since it is a vegetable broth very easy too fast to get, just a piece of celery, onion and carrot, and you're done, but that instead of meat is not that what we begin to make the broth with a piece of meat of any kind and that we get it in half ' hours.

In several raids in the library one day I noticed a book with the catchy title - DONE IN HOUSE - giving it a long puff I decided that was the case of restocking and give it a rightful place in my culinary library .

course that has given the coup de grace to my conviction that I had taken was just the recipe for homemade nut meat, but there are many more interesting.
After a few days once I put the recipe on site at that moment I wanted to do more, of course, the nut meat!

The procedure is not difficult, just requires a bit 'of time as described in the book should be an afternoon in the baking and drying the product, but I've changed a bit since 'the times described in the book I finished running the next day, this does not mean that you have all these hours involved, but that the drying time elaborates a bit 'more.

Ingredients: 500 gr. Beef with a slight streak of fat from your butcher ground three times, 500 gr. of salt that should not have particularly large grains otherwise then the pieces will remain in the compound and 500 gr vegetables including onions, celery, carrots, parsley, leeks or more to taste, I used two medium onions, a small leek, two carrots, a large sprig of celery leaves, a sprig of fennel Barbine and a sprig of parsley.

Preparation: Peel and chop all the vegetables, put the meat in a nonstick saucepan and let simmer without cover and moderate heat until they have expelled all their liquid, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon. It will take about an hour.
When the mixture will be dry, you'll see even from the bottom of the pan where there will be no liquid, add the salt and continue to cook because the salt will expel more water and left again until you wipe the bottom of the pan . Remove from
heat and blend all finely as possible, cover a baking tray with parchment paper, spread the mixture smooth it in the back of a spoon to smooth and wet often better and give it a square shape.

Turn on the fan oven at 80 degrees and bake for an hour and a half, then remove and let cool in the oven ....

At this point the recipe and ended up switching to accommodate containers ......... but since I started in the afternoon I left to cool inside the furnace, the evening the next morning, after which everything can be cut diced or crumbled or possibly both prefer.

But I, on the morning after I removed from the oven and having cut three shares of the compound in nuts I crumbled the other hand, revived the ventilated oven at 80 degrees and put out to dry for 45 minutes .

Once again I let cool off, and I went out for a walk ;-)) in the afternoon I took the mixture until the granules and wishing I spent in a blender until obtaining a powder preparation of meat such as that you see in the picture down, and I've placed the cubes in a container holding them separate and make breaks with sheets of wax paper, sealed and hibernated ;-)
The jar of granules and some of them into cubes instead I kept in the fridge, ready to use.
The amount that I use to get a bowl of soup is about a heaping tablespoon, depending on the flavor you prefer.

Conservation: the book says in the refrigerator for no more than a week, frozen nuts instead may be taken as needed, directly from the freezer, but I waited to post just to check thing and kept in a sealed glass container, now it's been a month and I can confirm that is what is left of the pellets that the dice is still maintained very well. On the other hand I think just the amount of salt used is the natural preservative to keep them.