Sunday, August 31, 2008

Nipple Piercing Broken Capillary

I risultati del sondaggio sull'11 settembre

It was concluded at this time of the survey blog dedicated to official versions of the facts that occurred on 11 September 2001.
Prima di tutto voglio ringraziare tutti coloro che hanno espresso il loro voto a proposito di questa questione. Siete stati tantissimi, quanti mai prima, a dimostrazione di quanto questo argomento, che rappresenta uno dei temi cari a questo blog, sia ancora sentito da molti.

Premesso ciò, eccovi i risultati definitivi:

  • Non credo alle versioni ufficiali (51%)
  • Credo in parte alle versioni ufficiali (25%)
  • Credo alle versioni ufficiali (20%)
  • Ne so troppo poco (4%)

Qualche commento: mentre per molti giorni le tre opzioni principali si sono confrontate su percentuali molto simili tra loro, gli ultimi voti hanno contribuito a fare assumere la maggioranza assoluta, sia pure di poco, alla opinione del tutto contraria alla veridicità delle versioni ufficiali. Credo che a questo abbia contribuito in qualche misura anche il fatto che, del tutto casualmente, proprio in questi ultimi giorni sia stato pubblicato un’altra parte non insignificante di quelle che per comodità continuo a chiamare “versioni ufficiali”: il rapporto NIST sul crollo del WTC7, avvenuto alcune ore dopo il crollo delle due Torri principali del complesso del World Trade Center (vedi qui il mio commento al riguardo).

In ogni caso, se consideriamo all opinions in whole or in part, are wary of telling how far from authorities and bodies officially invested with the case, adding that the "do not believe " to " believe only in part," we reach a percentage very high, amounting to 76%.
I think that, although limited to a small value the framework provided by this blog, reflecting a demand for truth and a fairly widespread dissatisfaction, if not widespread among the common people, and whom I can share my feelings.
E 'this is also a further small boost to all researchers, engineers, or even ordinary citizens to continue to take up the points più controversi, problematici o meno conosciuti dell’11 settembre.

Rimane da considerare in ogni caso che un non insignificante 20% di chi ha risposto al sondaggio si è dichiarato in pieno accordo con le versioni ufficiali, dimostrando piena fiducia negli esiti delle ricerche e delle indagini relative, mentre solo un 4% ha dichiarato di saperne troppo poco sull'argomento per potere esprimere un parere, a dimostrazione che la grandissima parte delle persone ha, o ritiene di avere, un'idea ben chiara sull'argomento.

In conclusione, ancora un ringraziamento a tutti e, come sempre l'invito è...

At Which Time Midnight Hot Comes On Ftv

Alice guarda i gatti... e i gatti tremano!!!

No, tranquilli, Francesco de Gregori non just got to do ...
Sailing on a new blog Catalan friend, I got to "nock" in some works of graphic and web Raymond Sepulveda, who belong to what he calls " Wonderlost series" .
In a nutshell, the project "Wonderlost series" want to represent the artistic interpretation in a "dark" or "gothic", of some of the many characters who populate the stories of Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland" and " Through the Looking Glass. "
We can then work through the author discovered that the tender little Alice was immortalized in the Disney film that we all remember, there will no longer show at its most comforting ...

Or have a close encounter with a "Mad Hatter" is very different from what I remember crazy and smiling ...

Or find out when the "queen of hearts" screamed all lungs, aimed at poor Alice, his "Off with her TESTAAAA! " was not joking at all ...

These and other works that make up the series can be found on this site , of \u200b\u200bcourse, I invite you to visit and from which you can download some desktop really enjoyable and intriguing.

I could not find out much more about the artist, although I understand his Internet spaces dealing mainly web-site design and architecture.
I still found this work very enjoyable and interesting, with the right mix of good graphics and provocative humor, which captures the viewer's attention immediately.
In addition, a secondary factor at all, the evocative power of Lewis Carroll's work mentioned above did the rest, at least for me ...
But now it's your turn: what do you think of this work ...?

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Stringy Cervical Mucus After Ovulation

Un consiglio per cinefili

Given the title, my animal friends could think of a funny typo ... and imagine that here we are talking about nice cagnoloni slinguazzanti ... but no.
This time I really want to talk about cinema, to invite you to take a look at a blog that is a view not entirely normal, but quite interesting. It's called
"offCinema" and is involved in reviewing and analyzing films and publications on the subject.
Check it out, especially if the topic fascinates you and you can not wait to know everything about that movie or mistreated on that particular film that nobody talks about.
And then, of course, let me know what you think ...

Friday, August 29, 2008

Wordings For College Farewell Invitation

Ciao Valentina...

Carry this beautiful cry of pain and yearning, but also terrible and angry, published by Emmart on his blog.
Will remember her friend Valentina, who knows how many times scopertasi dead inside her, before deciding to take his life just over a month and a half ago.

I always considered incomprehensible sexual violence. Monstrously incomprehensible. And it is something that takes
whenever stomach discover how many of these horrible monsters who live among us.

--- When in high school I had the impression that we would go away. Valeria, me, Valerie. Valeria and I were doing the last few years going steady, as only best friends can do: we went out together, we had mutual friends, we were the "pull" of the group. And yes, there was always Valentina: evenings, concerts, afternoons at home. For the New Year in the mountains. Valeria and I always dissolute, with our love, our fixed policy, our initiatives funny - we agreed to dress alike (tomorrow amphibians and Che T-shirt!) - Did the alternative, the buffoon. We kept a notebook where we wrote our secret: we had dubbed the "Valvolone" (vent). We also shot video funny and entertaining (there was still no youtube ... they used the 8mm). Valentina was that we recovered. It took us around, her youngest of us di un paio d'anni. Stava al gioco con una sorta di condiscendenza bonaria, affettuosa. Probabilmente era più matura di me e Valeria messe insieme. Entrambe le sorelle avevano uno spiccato senso artistico (il padre è un eccellente pittore) e un fortissimo senso etico e civile (e questo credo lo abbiano ereditato dalla mamma). Dopo il liceo mi sono trasferita a Milano per l'università. Un paio d'anni dopo è arrivata a Milano anche Valentina: abbiamo passato anni meravigliosi di condivisione (costavano ancora poco gli affitti... ma a noi sembravano cifre enormi!). Oltre a disegnare meravigliosamente (e affinare il suo talento in una prestigiosa scuola per stilisti), sapeva anche cucire eccezionali creations. Very special clothes, wearing wonderfully. Clothes that managed to be both elegant and grunge, both classic and avant-garde. The name was Tolentino. Sometimes she gave me a shirt, a pair of pants daughters usually happened when they borrow for the third time (that patience, Talentino!) It was so beautiful that for some time also made a model. I just got its first test: one of these beautiful photos I publish here. Why do newspapers really have been harsh. Even his look was special: he had a honey-colored eye and one blue eye. But unfortunately does not make black and white. Talentino. When was attacked six years ago, I was in Switzerland, by relatives. 'm back in Milan. But never told me anything. He said that Mercedes had reached her and her boyfriend (a very sweet boy, very good. Like you). Some guys, probably stoned, had begun to beat and insult them. And then they had done something. had passed another car, had slowed down: they had escaped. And then came back. Valentina And there it stopped. He would not say more, such as blocked. He added that only then would not make them go away, which was launched on their car, they fled. And she in the hospital - all night - had not done anything but repeat the number plate, obsessively.

Valentina gone from Milan. He wanted to leave everything behind, start over.
She did: she enrolled in a new faculty in Turin, neuropsychiatry. I said, study and work, yes, I am happy here. We were on the phone, more and more rare. He faced
processes. Her family was close. But it was not enough. Those nasty
have not made one day in prison, they were uncensored spoiled children. If I remember correctly Novara.
I want to know their names.
Valentina has committed suicide Saturday. Yes
She killed herself. He would have been 29 years in a few days.
I know them. Know their names.
know their names and write everywhere. Because they were laughing in the process. Because if they screwed up. Why not have the right to be considered part of our society. Why not recognize them as citizens. Why not consider them human beings.

not forget it. And do not forget them, the bastards.
Hello Valentina.


I invite you to go see the original post at the bottom of of emmart, Valentina is a beautiful picture, which I preferred not to post here: a slender girl, magrissima, la cui fragilità si intravede anche dietro i grandi occhi spalancati e attenti.
Un solo commento personale: in casi come questo mi piacerebbe tanto potere credere ad un qualche dio giusto, comunque si voglia fare chiamare, che facesse vivere a tutte le persone che provocano così tanta sofferenza un'eternità di dolore e rimorso...

Difference Between Impetigo And A Cold Sore

Cose cinesi...

Beh, oramai lo sappiamo... ce lo dicono da tutte le parti, il futuro è della Cina, e il grande dragone orientale dominerà inevitabilmente la realtà economica e sociale dei prossimi anni.
Quindi, per non farsi trovare impreparati (o al limite per fare bella figura quando andate al ristorante etnico sotto casa...) here's a nice link to find out how to spell your first name in Chinese ... ;-)

How Calculate Interest On Recurring Deposit

Ancora poche ore per rispondere al sondaggio sull'11 settembre!!!

There are still a few hours to participate in the survey that the blog devoted to the views of readers on the official versions on the 11 September attacks.

You are all invited, if they want and you have not yet done so to express your opinion by clicking on the item that best reflects your thoughts in the column on the left.
The survey reached an unprecedented number of participants for these pages and the guidelines are still highly contested, demonstrating the interest that continues to be provoked in many by an argument that perhaps a few others would prefer to fall into oblivion.

Let me hear, therefore, expressing your vote or if you feel, your opinions any more articulate.
you soon for a blog comment on the final results of the survey.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Parineeta Saree Blouse

Crollo del WTC7: una spiegazione che non spiega

few days ago, during a crowded press conference, the reconstruction technique has been disclosed official NIST the collapse of WTC 7, which occurred several hours after the impact of two planes into the Twin Towers. (The original is found here While here is a video that recreates the dynamics Journal of the collapse). Below instead shows the reconstruction of the dynamics presented in the pages of The New York Times.

For the uninitiated the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) is the U.S. institution that has been officially appointed by a U.S. law to investigate the causes of all failures occurred in the territory of buildings U.S.. For this reason you can imagine with what anxiety they had waited for years the results of investigations into what is almost immediately appeared to observers as a collapse, if possible, technically more "problematic" than that offered by the same Twin Towers.

But we now see specifically what are some of the FAQ on the report published, which were presented on the website of NIST (the translation is taken from this page ):

What Was the WTC 7?
The World Trade Center Building 7 (WTC 7) the original building was a 47-story Office Building, located directly north of the main World Trade Center (WTC). Completed in 1987, was built over an existing Con Edison electrical substation on land owned by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.

When WTC7 collapsed?
September 11, 2001, WTC 7 endured fires for almost seven hours since the collapse of the WTC North Tower (WTC 1) at 10:28:22, until 17:20:52, when WTC 7 collapsed.

What caused the fires in WTC 7?
The debris of the collapse of WTC 1, which stood at about 110 m away to the south, sparked fires on at least 10 floors of the building at its south and west facades. However, only some of the fires on lower floors from the 7th to the 9th and 11th to 13th floor, burned out of control. These fires on the lower floors, which spread and grew because the water supply to automatic sprinkler system for these floors was out of use were similar to the fires of other tall buildings. The primary and secondary water supply for sprinkler systems to the lower floors depended on public water systems, whose lines had been damaged by the collapse of WTC 1 and WTC 2. These uncontrolled fire spread to lower floors due to the north-east of WTC 7, where he began the collapse of the building.

How fires caused the collapse of WTC 7?
The heat of uncontrolled fires caused thermal expansion of beams and slabs of steel beams, leading to a chain of events that caused the collapse of a structural column fundamental. The structural failure in this column then triggered a progressive collapse, caused by fire, the whole building.
According to the report of the probable collapse sequence, the heat coming from the uncontrolled fires caused thermal expansion of steel beams on the lower floors of the east side of WTC 7, damaging the structure of the floors on different levels.
At one point, a beam on the 13th floor lost its essential connection with a column, the column 79, which supported the long span of the floors on the east side of the building. The beam out of the office and other local damage caused by fire caused the collapse the 13th floor, starting a chain of progressive failure of the floors down to the 5th floor. Many of these plans had already been at least partially weakened by the fires in the vicinity of the column 79. This collapse of floors left the column 79 without sufficient support in the east-west extension of nine floors.
The column 79, with no support at this point he bent and triggered a progression upwards of subsidence of the floors, reaching the east lining roof of the building. What followed in rapid succession, was a series of structural failures. The first failure occurred up to the roof and interested all three columns inland on the eastern side of the building (columns 79, 80, 81). Then, with a progression from east to west across WTC 7, gave all the columns in the core of the building (from 58 to 78). Finally, the entire façade collapsed.

The debris from the collapse of WTC 7 WTC 1 damaged the structure so as to contribute to its collapse?
(...) A separate analysis showed that even without the structural damage caused by the impact of the debris, the fires in WTC 7 would collapse similar to those that occurred on 11 September 2001. (...)

It 'obvious that such an explanation on the collapse of the skyscraper, for As you may be, like me, very little experience on building structures and analysis of the collapses, it leaves much astonished, especially when you notice that the same NIST, in another FAQ is expressed in these terms:

Why WTC7 collapsed, while history does not record any buildings collapsed due to fire only?
The collapse of WTC 7 is the first known case of a tall building collapsed mainly due to uncontrolled fires. The fires in WTC 7 were similar to those that occurred in several tall buildings where the fire extinguishers and automatic rain did not work or were not present. These other buildings, including the One Meridian Plaza di Philadelphia, un grattacielo di 38 piani che bruciò per 18 ore nel 1991, non crollarono per via delle differenze di progettazione del sistema strutturale. (...)

In pratica dopo anni e anni di studi che immaginiamo essere stati accurati e approfonditi come mai prima d’ora (ricordiamo che la pubblicazione della versione ufficiale del NIST relativa al crollo delle due Torri è avvenuta in tempi relativamente molto più brevi), i ricercatori ci dicono che il WTC7, grattacielo di 47 piani, è crollato ESCLUSIVAMENTE a causa degli incendi e soprattutto, voglio sottolinearlo bene, che questo è avvenuto PER LA PRIMA VOLTA NELLA STORIA.

Ora, chi legge questo blog da un po’ sa che in materia di September 11 we have already treated some curiosity and expressed some doubts, but we have never expressed a priori in favor of this or that thesis, knowing that in a matter so strictly connected to the very complex factors, the review of human road can hardly reach to touch the truth or at least a sense.
However, in this case, it seems only right to say that what is stated in (quite late ...) official version is really very difficult to swallow for a number of reasons that I would argue.

always, in all publications and websites committed to refute and counter the arguments carried out by those who express doubts about the collapse of 11 September, it was said with plenty of arguments, apparently shared, it was misleading and "mischievous" said that WTC 7 could have collapsed in a way, so to speak, "natural" does not having been directly hit by any plane, and this because, according to the "supporters of the anti-conspiracy" in the same building had suffered irreparable structural damage from the rubble of the towers collapsed on it, were originally at the edge together with the fire of its failure (see for example this page of "September 11th", which are very rich in images and also effective to frame the scene of events).
Today, wanting to mention Guareschi "countermand, comrades." The technical official version tells us explicitly that the debris did not create any direct decisive, but the collapse was exclusively due to fires ignited, as demonstrated, among others, by following the NIST FAQ:

The WTC7 would collapse also if there had been no structural damage caused by the collapse of the WTC towers?
Yes, even without structural damage, WTC 7 would collapse because of fires triggered by debris. (...)

So the two, one: either the so-called "debunkers" are have proved in this case a lot rougher and incompetence of much-despised "conspiracy theorists" or is the official version of NIST to be very hard to believe in coming after seven years of research to disprove all the experts, technicians and "lawyers" previously been involved the question ...

A second aspect is really not very convincing to accept that the duty of WTC7 after the collapse, not even a stump left, an inside wall or a piece of standing, which we might legitimately have expected, taking into account the fact that the cases were detected only in the fires and the resulting (?) collapse of a single column building. Why then would have to demolish the skyscraper in full? Whilst it may be that you have the Rate "progressive collapse" described by NIST, why should it be full? This is not explained, at least not in a clearly understandable and shareable.

Consequently, the official version released today leads naturally to the question: if the perfect and complete collapse of a skyscraper of 47 floors as WTC 7 was solely due to failure of a single column, as stated by NIST in practice, for which reason the demolition of buildings and artifacts usually by explosive undertake dozens of offices targeted to sever the various points of support? Possible that this very building, which happened in the middle of the most amazing and spectacular (and discussed) attack of all time, has proven to be a pure case of the most unique (and fragile ...) examples of architecture may we know ?
In accordance with the theory known as "Occam's razor ," so popular and often cited by the so-called "debunkers", which says that for every phenomenon, the simplest solution is always preferable, I find it very hard to believe.

For the same reason, while appreciating the very concept of "suspension of disbelief" when I read a novel, a comic or watch a good movie, I believe in good faith that they can not get to the point where I am asked to accept that in a single day, as extraordinary as that of 11 September, on the whole of the World Trade Center are verified in less than three hours full of skyscrapers collapsed, burned to the ground from the tip of the antennas to the foundation, all held by different parties and with a wealth of arguments very little credibility or not yet convincingly explained, and among them one in particular ( WTC 7 just) about the same as the official version after seven years of research tells me literally be "the first known case of a tall building collapsed mainly a causa di incendi incontrollati ”.

Infine, anche a proposito del colpevole individuato dal NIST, ossia proprio gli incendi incontrollati, da più parti si è fatto rilevare in questi anni che la loro estensione e gravità non appariva comunque tale da giustificare la rilevanza del danno asserito (vedi ad esempio questa pagina , con tanto di foto e video).

Detto ciò, vorrei anticipare subito una domanda che potrebbe essermi rivolta, a questo punto, da un sostenitore della versione ufficiale del NIST e che potrebbe suonare così: “ ma allora, se non ti sembra credibile questa versione, perché non ci spieghi tu, come è andata..?
My answer is as simple and straightforward: not even think about it!
I'm not an expert in building structures and dynamics of the collapse of the same and I do an act of intellectual honesty, as always when I dealt with the September 11 attacks, the profession of ignorance and refuse to marry any preconceived thesis that I have not been demonstrated in terms understandable and acceptable. I think even in principle that events on a scale so vast, it is usually almost impossible to reach the ascertainment of truth in an integral and then I'm afraid we'll never know what exactly happened that morning in September 2001 and which have been le esatte circostanze che vi abbiano condotto.
Tuttavia, sempre per la stessa onestà intellettuale, ritengo che sia assolutamente legittimo, se non addirittura doveroso, manifestare liberamente alcuni dei dubbi e delle riserve che una simile “incredibile” versione ufficiale, giunta a tanta distanza temporale dagli eventi e risoltasi in definitiva in una candida affermazione della inedita unicità del più "strano" dei crolli avvenuti al World Trade Center, ha fatto nascere in me.

Mi riservo quindi in conclusione di tornare presto sull’argomento con altre riflessioni e nel frattempo vi invito ad esprimere qui le vostre opinioni e i vostri commenti, di qualunque tenore esse siano.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Reactive Hypoglycemia Melanoma

E poi dicono che il ciclismo è in crisi...

Try to look a little ' here ...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Invitation Asking People To Pay For Themselves

La battaglia del grano...

Rome, August 20 (AP) - Fly the price of pasta in the first six months of the year scored an average annual increase of 30.4%. The rise is reported by the Treasury in Notebook prices for the month of June, reworking the ISTAT figures on consumer prices. The Ministry of Economy report also increases the price of bread (+13.2%) and whole milk (+11.8%). Among other foods, the Treasury notes will also increase for food (+4.3%).

Perfect! Now I'm
tutti lì a meravigliarsi e a stracciarsi le vesti per questi dati, compresi i politicanti abituali e i giornalisti loro abituali zerbini...
Ma dove diavolo erano queste anime candide quando negli anni scorsi lo spauracchio europeo per gli agricoltori è stato quello delle quote di produzione da rispettare, a prezzo di multe milionarie, della distruzione forzata dei raccolti e del continuo e progressivo abbandono dei campi o della destinazione alimentare dei prodotti agricoli.
Certo, ora è più comodo e "trendy" dare la colpa a quei dannati piccoli cinesi che hanno cominciato a mangiare di più e meglio e hanno fatto aumentare la domanda e di conseguenza il prezzo dei prodotti alimentari di base.

Il mio pensiero è invece that this increase is the best that could happen at this time to bring in power at the head of many that our only chance to survive on this planet and in decent condition, is to give value back to the primary activities as agriculture for food.
Unfortunately, as always, the social costs will be borne mostly by the mass of "subjects fixed income," but I really hope with all my heart that this situation will contribute to ensuring that working the land once again becoming a viable and attractive option for many of those from rural areas that until now have been forced to flee towards the shimmering mirage of development and consumerism wild.

maybe I'll be a bit 'too much, "Pasolini", but this model of society that runs ahead at breakneck speed without having the ability to guess an arrival point in his career I can not see a future, or at least a future that can somehow be desirable.
I think more and more instead of having to hope to move on, stop the run and maybe take a few steps back and towards the recovery of some socio-economic development perspective. When
labor, land, animals and humans will return to have more value than the mountain of paper (watermarked or not) that today we are forced to worship, maybe you can return to hope ...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Selling Charriol In Philippines

Jogging e "rumenta"

Tonight unusual midweek release for reasons gymnastic-runners. Taking advantage of the less hot day we decided to go jogging to the location of lines, five minutes from home. Especially unexpected and unbelievable crowds of boys and girls who have suffered through his teeth cowardly branded as "idlers" and "-nothing," for us after all we've done well, a bit 'anti-social with little desire to have a large audience to see us gasp with his tongue hanging out ... ;-)

Unfortunately, going to things less funny every time we run we find that the negligence, neglect and degradation of that little green spaces that remain, continue to reign supreme. And this not only guilty for the little attention given by the directors always Genoese, but especially for the incivility when the vandalism is not exactly excited about all this area. Benches
routes, a few overturned garbage bins constantly even when uprooted by the cement that was holding them, paper and "rumenta" varies anywhere, a bleak scenario that occasional or regular visitors now pretend not to see to try to do a little ' gym or running without the desperation to cry.
A thorough cleaning was put in place a month ago after a year of complete abandonment, but after only a few days some son di padre ignoto e madre di facili costumi ha riportato la situazione al punto di partenza, distruggendo e insozzando tutto quello che è riuscito a trovare.
C'era stato un periodo in cui nella zona erano state organizzate attività di pulizia e ripristino curate da alcuni volontari detenuti delle carceri cittadine che, felici di potere uscire dalla desolante realtà quotidiana, svolgevano un lavoro utile e molto apprezzato. Ovviamente, come tutte le iniziative intelligenti, ha avuto vita corta e non se ne è più sentito parlare.
Probabilmente il fatto che trarne vantaggio fossero solo pochi "galeotti" e alcuni "poveracci" come noi, che invece di pagarci la retta di una bella palestra con l'aria condizionata, ce ne andiamo a correre outdoors, was not considered quite profitable and politically viable by local administrators.
So it goes today: sometimes a good spirit takes the broom in hand and try to stem the decline with its small force (see days of volunteering that are organized every month).
The battle against neglect and incivility seems really learn, unfortunately ...

Licence Kay To Virtual Plastic Surgery

11 settembre: un caso ancora aperto

An incredible contribution to the new poll hosted by the blog ...
Nearly thirty votes cast in a few hours, a further confirmation that this issue is far from a unanimous opinion found and shared.
In any case it must be said that the guidelines are far less clearly outlined how at first glance one might expect ... but for a more detailed comment maybe you should expect others to give their opinion.
soon e. ..

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Acrostic Poems On Victoria Canada

Lanciato il nuovo sondaggio sull'11 settembre 2001

As you can see in the column on the right, the new survey we decided to blog about a topic on which we have already had occasion to speak on these pages : that the events occurred '11 September 2001 and which led to the destruction of the twin towers in New York, a wing of the Pentagon, with the consequent loss of thousands of lives and four airliners.

have already been seven years, but despite this the events of that day continues to score impressively in the facts and decisions of current

Many aspects of the case were discussed and dissected by critics and sources of opposite sign, giving rise to controversies and debates still Today, despite all very lively and far from having reached a shared vision (as evidenced by the multitude of books, websites and TV shows dedicated to this topic).

For all these reasons it seemed interesting to be able to ask what is ultimately, today, your direct opinion on the question: what do you think that officially found to be credible, in whole or in part, or not? Give us
your opinion, and as always ...

Women's Only Nipple Piercing

Completed the survey on the Beijing Olympics

The poll of August dedicated to the contested choice to play the Olympics in the Chinese capital ended yesterday.
We asked your opinion (and many have responded, thank you!) And these were the results:
  • E 'was a mistake. The games were boycotted -> 62%
  • may be an opportunity to crack the "wall" of the Chinese regime -> 21%
  • unnecessary controversy. Politics and sport must remain separate -> 17%
opinion clearly, therefore, was that the majority of those who have expressed harsh criticism of the decision to reward an authoritarian regime like China and freedom-with the decision to hold the games there (see image below).

Minorities not negligible and quite respectable, however, were expressed in a different direction, sharing with similar numbers of the two remaining options.
Thanks again to everyone who voted and continue to express your opinion, if you like, commenting on this result.

Monday, August 18, 2008

O Dve Slabiky Pozadu Online

This means knowing how to protect their privacy!

And now if one can not even sit a bit 'quiet in the sun ...

Ps3 Multi Zone Dvd Games

Losing two is always better ...

Sabato scorso, trovandoci nel basso Piemonte, abbiamo aggiunto una nuova escursione a tutte quelle già affrontate in questa ricca stagione.
Scorrendo le pagine di un libretto di itinerari abbiamo deciso di andare a scoprire una vecchia diga sul fiume Orba , oggi abbandonata in seguito ad una disastrosa piena risalente agli anni '30 ( vedi qui la storia della catastrofe ).
Con qualche difficoltà l'abbiamo raggiunta e abbiamo ammirato lo spettacolo di affacciarsi su oltre cinquanta metri di vuoto, dove prima scorrevano le acque del fiume e di un grande lago artificiale. Quindi siamo discesi a monte della diga e abbiamo risalito, in un silenzio quasi irreale e in una conca verdissima, il old bed of the river, until you reach the point where a collapse had created a frightening new road and the magic and frightening encounter between old and new path of the water.

After a refreshing bath in a pond deep encased between two wings of a high rock and a hard climb among boulders and rubble caused by a landslide that blocked our way, we had little desire to go back over the same path, and then, as can happen only in a few special days, we lost , along the side of a wooded hill on to lose the orientation.

E 'in these moments that I realize how lucky to have a partner like mine: serenity, smile unshakeable and quick step, asking for information on some farmer and a few isolated house, my Gi was able to lead me with joy to cross the river, climb a mountain and back down through a path consisting of a thin strip of grass trampled in a dense forest and inaccessible. We joined
beautiful farms and homes in the quiet and surrounded by meadows and, after a half hour walk, we managed to claw back, tired but happy, the starting point, where our faithful dueruote waiting for us eager to bring us back home with a new adventure to remember to shut inside our backpacks ...

Sunday, August 17, 2008

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Secularism: a question of banner ...

turning to the Internet, more precisely while I was enchanted Estate Blog , I came across a banner that attracted and intrigued me and I decided to include here:

clicking on the banner you can go directly to a site in which are collected accessions of bloggers, webmasters and regular visitors who identify with the following simple "Manifesto":

" BLOG LAY " was created to collect all those all those blogs and sites Web surfers, but also to all those individuals who are recognized in the values \u200b\u200bof secularism.
Secularism as a tool da cui non si può prescindere, per la Libertà, il Rispetto e la Tutela delle Scelte Personali e delle Condizioni di Vita e di Esistenza di Tutti i cittadini.
I temi che vedono compromessa la Laicità dello Stato sono molteplici a tal punto che troppo spesso ci sembra davvero di vivere in uno Stato che di Laico ha ben poco.
Non è nostro obiettivo però parlarti QUI di questi temi. Il nostro scopo è solo quello di creare un luogo per far conoscere e divulgare tramite i links questo forte legame ispiratore e fondatore.
Dunque se ti riconosci in questa propositiva direzione, se ritieni che possa essere interessante esserci in questo crocevia di collegamenti, lascia nel modulo di adesione oppure il tuo nicknameil tuo nome & l'indirizzo e il titolo del tuo blog/sito/spazioweb , affinchè possa comparire nell'elenco che verrà completato giorno per giorno.
Se vuoi partecipare a questa iniziativa, ma non hai un blog/sito/spazioweb lasciaci cmq i tuoi dati: nome, nickname, città, QUELLO CHE VUOI (però evita di lasciare scritto solo Tizio o Caio perchè sarebbe troppo generico) e anche la tua adesione comparirà nella lista. "

Come vedete l'intento non vuole essere nulla più che un segno, fissato nella Rete, del fatto che ci sono ancora molte, moltissime persone che vivono con insofferenza e irritazione il peso crescente che in Italia stanno assumendo le gerarchie religiose, a proposito di tematiche e scelte individuali che non possono e non devono essere sottratte al libero giudizio delle coscienze di ciascun singolo individuo.
Questo in quanto, almeno per me, laicità vuole dire pensare con la propria testa senza dovere subire le imposizioni di alcun sistema di valori (morali o religiosi che siano) che non sia stato liberamente scelto.
Proprio perchè mi sembra un intento condivisibile, ho deciso di inserire il banner sopra riportato e di invitarvi a dare un'occhiata al sito, dove potete trovare molti altri esempi di banner che potete a vostra volta inserire sul your space or blog where they share the spirit.

Friday, August 15, 2008

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"My library"

not know how many of you have a "personal library" that also gives good advice, my name is Monica.
Every time I leave full of books, go it's like for a child to enter a toy store.
This summer gave me two books on loan from Brendan O'Carrol ( mother Agnes Browne "and the sequel" The brats Agnes ") reading which I laughed and smiled a lot, along with strong women and a Dublin evolving and one of Alexander McCall Smith ("Tears of the Giraffe ") where I got through one far from my mind, that of Africa, or more precisely a part of it, Botswana.
Three readings that I recommend to everyone. Thanks Monica

by Gi

Thursday, August 14, 2008

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abandoned kitten ... what to do?

few days ago I happened to run into a little dilemma, in front of me I had a pet cat that apparently was not at all well, will have had two weeks, but was not abandoned by mother cat, since shortly after her if he went to pick up and hid it as best he could under a small pile of tiles ...

Have you ever wondered, when you find a stray kitten abandoned What should I do?
Well, I think, first of all make sure it is actually abandoned. Do not touch it unless it is an obvious danger and, if really necessary, it is preferable to washing your hands (someone also recommend disinfettarsele, not to transfer our smell to them, but do not know why the smell of disinfectant would irritate the cats ...). A useful thing would be to leave some 'food for mother cat, if you can see her.
Then depart, so that if the cat wants to feel like approach without danger, because as long as you're there could not approach. If you own some, giving him even more than 2 hours of time that the the cat has left, you should try to understand how many days did the kitten, and in any event, whether you decide to keep it with you or not, take it as soon as possible by a veterinarian or a cat shelter.
I'm not going to list the many things to do if you decide to keep it and take care of him, because there are several sites that do it better than me (eg http://animalweb2003 or ).

I'm just wondering one thing: it is better to let a kitten to her mother, though it may well die because they do not care or is it better to take it away and try to make it survive? Are we able to understand that the mother cat is not fulfilling its duty fully? I believe that both the conduct is righteous, just do not want to be the mother cat that comes back and is no longer small and if its not then repaid recognize them anymore.

by Gi

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

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Justice "caste"

Carry this article by Marco Travaglio, published Aug. 12 on the drive, titled "Stop-class" , because I think that speaks a gospel truth, it is true, how true that justice has never been the same for everyone, we are now so that when the Justice tries to touch one of the members of the "caste" by the guns of information dominance is even crying scandal, if not to shamelessly " treason "


"Poniamo che arrestino un tizio, uno sconosciuto che non è Vip e non ha amici Vip, con l’accusa di aver rubato 6 milioni di euro alla collettività rapinando una banca o rubando nelle ville. E che poi lo scarcerino dopo 28 giorni.
Giornali e tg sarebbero pieni di commenti indignati di politici e opinionisti contro l’ennesima «scarcerazione facile». «Rubò 6 milioni, già a casa». «La polizia li mette dentro, i giudici li mettono fuori». « Alfano, ispettori contro le toghe buoniste ». «Pdl e Pd uniti: tolleranza zero contro ladri e rapinatori». Difficilmente a qualcuno verrebbe in mente che il tizio è solo a suspected robber and that in Italy there is a presumption of innocence. Suppose instead that the guy accused of stealing 6 million the next is a politician suspected of bribes health. More precisely, a governor, perhaps in Abruzzo. Yesterday he got home after 28 days in jail for longer concerns about preserving evidence (but not re-offending). No one thought of screaming to release easy to complain that came out after "just 28 days." Indeed, this "easy" were handcuffed. Those 28 days have seemed excessive to anyone has been expressed about the case. Seemed excessive even on the first day of custody, so much than a minute after taking the handcuffs was all a chorus: "It was really necessary to arrest him?". Yet, for the Constitution and the law, between man and Turkish there is no difference: both are suspected of stealing from the citizens of the same amount, both must remain in jail for a while 'to avoid agreeing versions of convenience with co-accused and witnesses. Possible, then, that politicians and the media treat them in ways so different, indeed opposite? The only explanation is the social racism that has come mounting in Italy, creating a Constitution which it considers material untouchables "regardless" members of the cast, in defiance of the principle of equality of all citizens before the law. If the guy accused of stealing 6 million he received in prison, dozens of visits of parliamentarians and members (or former) government of left and right, some of which are the bearers of pizzini sent by other politicians, including Prime Minister , granite all convinced of his innocence (and the culpability of the judges), the news would have aroused huge outcry. All would have applied for a title that many politicians (if it was that had made them enter) cell in solidarity with a man suspected of crimes so serious and what I had to do with a case. Instead, the pilgrimage of friends and colleagues in the cell of Del Turkish (officially "in isolation "!) is passed as an ordinary, almost dutiful expression of sympathy to the famous recluse. Indeed, it was enough that Veltroni show his confidence in the judiciary and avoid passing of sentences that did not compete, to be branded "hypocrisy" and "anti-socialism." Yesterday, the Courier Fiji Baptist has provided a complete catalog of racism applied to social justice, in a memorable comment on 'Turkish and if he was innocent? ". The gallant Fiji Del Turkish tear because it was "taken from his home at dawn, as the worst of criminals." Never revealing phrase how many other class of double standards above: if you do not use required by law, does not stop either at dawn or at dusk, before or after meals, but if the conditions are, the timing and modalities of the arrest are totally secondary to the facts that gave rise to. Instead, for all the Baptist in Italy, the "lords" - if you really want to arrest them - deserve the handcuffs first class, including velvet, possibly preceded by a courtesy call. Indeed Fiji even asks for compensation for Del Turkish, released from prison - he said - "with 48-hour delay because of introvabilità gip ', returned yesterday from holiday to examine the ok by the prosecution under house arrest since Saturday. In fact, there was no delay, as the investigating judge had 5 days to respond to the pm and it took only 2. Follow the usual litanies about "presumption of innocence," which has nothing to do: custody is always about the "presumed not guilty" , otherwise it would be a precautionary measure, but final. In prison there are 30 thousand people in a position to Del Turkish, but of course the Baptist moves only Turkish. It even compares him to Enzo Tortora simply because he has not yet discovered, "where is gone the proceeds" of the alleged bribes. There is also the possibility, supported by prosecutors, that money is finite in some properties and / or encrypted in any account in tax havens. But the Sherlock Holmes of Via Solferino not listen to reason: if a - if puta - hides the stolen goods, it means that he is innocent. We look forward to an editorial entitled overthrown, "and where Turkish was guilty?". That is, if it were as Craxi as Contrada as Mambro and Fioravanti, to mention just some of the final conviction that the Baptist Courier and continue to deal with innocent people. As well as 18 affected by Dell'Utri down, that populate the Parliament. Here: Del Turkish if he was guilty, would be the same innocent. "