Sunday, March 28, 2010

London Cruising Places

Bella, lean and sleeping

Want to store your weight?

you lose the pounds?

not enough to control the amount and the amount of food you introduce into the body.

You also get enough sleep, and more!

Dozens of studies which is spoken in recent months in professional journals.

The results are similar and converging: the subjects who were able to stay up to wake up naturally maintained their weight better and more easily than those that have been made to sleep less than necessary, or suffering from insomnia or difficulty falling asleep.

It seems that people forced to sleep only five hours a night (way below average) lose their sensitivity to glucose, and then find themselves in a condition that promotes obesity and diabetes.

It is clear that sleep promotes, among other things, the production of leptin, or 'satiety hormone', and then helps to control hunger.

If we do not sleep enough, he will be short (among other damage) more difficult to stop eating and a tendency to not use / dispose of sugars.

That is no small thing if you hold the line and to health is connected to it.

There are those who quantified the loss of weight as possible when you decide to sleep better and longer: it speaks of TakeCareBlog this post.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

How Do You Turn Yourself Into A Wolf

Soap - Red and skin thanks

Soap 'Aleppo' is a detergent cake made with natural ingredients and traditional techniques that ensure the quality, biodegradability and duration (also because a 'cube' lasts for months and months and months yet ...).

Since I discovered, I have eliminated all other types of soap (I've never used liquid ...). And I suggest you really try, it is now very easy to find, even on the shelves of supermarkets.

The base of Aleppo soap is a special processing of virgin olive oil with the addition of bay. In

trade if they are with various percentages of olive leaves (by 15%, 20 or even 30%), which have beneficial properties for all skin types. I
I have tried some, but what I find most 'gentle' with my beloved cute is the base with a 15-16% max laurel.

The first time you touch it you can hear a hint of herbs, but it disappears quickly, meaning that it evaporates quickly, but also in the sense that there is more chance. Anyway, I find it excellent, compared with artificial scents of normal soaps.

skin washed with soap of Aleppo will 'fresh' and that's it.

Since it is not aggressive, but even softening, is recommended for sensitive skin, the intimate areas and small children (with the only caveat for the latter, which burns a bit 'if it's in your eyes).

Help a conservare morbida ed elastica la pelle, quindi ha un effetto antirughe.

È completamente biodegradabile, quindi ha il super vantaggio di non inquinare l'ambiente e soprattutto di non inquinare la pelle, sulla quale già passano tanti altri prodotti chimici, nelle creme, nei cosmetici, etc.

Va benissimo anche per lavare indumenti delicati.

Un sapone così versatile, senza SLS o altri derivati dal petrolio, coloranti, profumi, conservanti, antiossidanti, acidi vari... cosa chiederemo di più?

Ma che faccia anche da antitarme!

E infatti, pare the smell of bay is particularly unwelcome in moths and butterflies of the cabinets.

In its homeland, Syria, for centuries has been used to keep pests away from containers of clothes and foods.
So I bought a dozen rolls and have them scattered in all the closets ...