Monday, January 31, 2011

Equity Dealer's Interview Questions

water chestnuts and black currant

Directly from China came to me spending a bit 'particular, Shaoxing wine, Szechuan pepper, a rolling pin to make dumpling, ravioli , some sweets so nice to feel sorry for biting, and water chestnuts ....... and if by chance siete curiosi vi do una manciata di notizie a riguardo.

Il pepe di Szechuan mi ha stupito per il suo sentore di limone, in realtà non è un pepe come lo intendiamo noi con note particolarmente pungenti, e da quel che dicono sta bene sia sulle carni bianche, sui pesci, su insalate di pasta  fredda e pure sul cioccolato, è una bacca di cui una volta seccata si raccoglie la buccia rossastra e si butta il seme nero, e fa parte della composizione delle 5 spezie. Va tenuto in vasetto chiuso e al riparo dalla luce.

il vino shaoxing  è contenuto  (ma ve ne sono anche altre confezioni) in una bella ceramica sferica chiusa da ceralacca rossa con piccolo cavatappi in dotazione,  poi mi piacerà anche tenere su un mobile, è un vino ricavato da riso glutinoso e di colore ambrato, ne ho visto spesso l'uso nelle trasmissioni di cucina cinese su sky, e incuriosita me lo son fatta sono diverse varianti di questo vino, presumo a seconda dell'invecchiamento, viene prodotto a sud est di Shanghai dove il clima  è particolarmente favorevole alla produzione di un riso glutinoso che permette la produzione del vino di riso cinese più rinomato.......ovviamente non tutti i vini cinesi in circolazione provengono propriamente da Shaoxing,  imbrogliando sull'etichetta al primo sguardo si può scoprire poi che provengono da produzioni thailandesi.  

Questo in particolare è chiamato NU ER HONG RICE WINE, ( in cinese lo vedete scritto lì sopra se vi volete dilettare con qualche carattere) nu'er vuol dire figlia e hong rosso, rosso è sinonimo di fortuna e abbinato alla parola figlia è bene augurante per la medesima, inoltre la tradizione vuole che quando nasce una bambina e avrà un mese di vita, la famiglia preparerà la boccia di vino shaoxing e la seppellirà fino al giorno del suo matrimonio, quando verrà aperta per essere offerto ai parenti per festeggiare.

Ora che mi sono un po' informata su questo vino, non mi resta che trovare una ricetta degna del suo uso, e naturalmente vi aggiornerò sulla cosa ;-)

I dolcetti che vedete qui sopra invece all'interno hanno una parte morbida che si potrebbe paragonare alle caramelle gommose, piuttosto dolce e ricoperta da una pasta della consistenza di un' omelette, ma proprio perchè nella cucina cinese il gioco delle consistenze e dei sapori seguono la filosofia dello ying e dello yang, le due forze opposte che devono trovare il giusto equilibrio, il cuore del tortino è......provate un po' voi a dire .....e vediamo chi riesce a indovinare....
Aggiornamento - allora vi do response, the cookies are called Moon cake and keep them a yolk salted duck eggs from quite firm texture that contrasts with the whole. Now is not that I know how to recognize the yolks of two-legged, but at least in theory it should be so, so far as I'm concerned it could also be eaten warm chicken ;-)
the contrasts are remarkable and I must say that is not bad, while at room temperature is a little 'sickly.

Now we come to the water chestnuts and chestnut that have only the appearance, they are actually fruits that are born in water as easily peel that the skin is tender, the flesh of white color and slightly sweet flavor of juicy, crisp like an apple grenny smith, eat raw meat but also with other vegetables or chopped and mixed with other vegetables, such as filling for ravioli, you can also find their meal that can be used to thicken like our cornstarch and the like ...........

I've tried the first in a savory dish with a Soutè the same way as bok choy and boiled half an hour while being maintained their crispness, which depending on the tastes can be a defect or a virtue ... ... but then I decided to try them taste sweet and have chosen for a pudding, while the first course I did not make photos of the second course I give you the recipe, you never know you go to the grocery store by the parties in Hong Kong ^________^ but if it seems a bit 'uncomfortable, you can always order here or here

Ingredients: 15 water chestnuts, half a liter of milk, two tablespoons of sugar, two tablespoons of prepared vanilla pudding, 3 to 4 cubes of a chocolate bar white, a tablespoon of milk.

Preparation: Peel the chestnuts and chop them, put them in milk and bring to boil, add sugar and cook for about 30 minutes a fuoco basso, poi frullare il tutto e rimettere sul fuoco aggiungere il preparato e lasciare addensare ( circa 3 minuti)  prendere le coppette che bagnerete sotto acqua corrente prima di versarvi il budino. Una volta freddati sformate il budino su un piattino. Fate sciogliere il cioccolato con il latte,  e versatelo sul dolce sparpagliando di ribes essicati.

Ingredienti per un piccolo vasetto di ribes essiccati : 350 gr. di ribes, 100 gr. di zucchero, acqua qb.

Preparazione dei ribes : mentre  riscaldate il forno a 100 gradi, mettere sul fuoco medio un tegame con i ribes facendo in modo che siano la  maggior part lying on the bottom, pour over sugar and tablespoon of water baths Quach bottom, cook stirring until the currants will break the skin, (4 - 5 minutes).
Those that remain intact, you crush them with the back of the spoon ..... do it gently because they are naughty and if you can spray at will ^___^

Allow to cool, cover a baking tray with parchment paper for drying currant, lower the oven and bake at 70 degrees. Let them by 3 to 4 hours, turning them upside down at least two or three times. Then you can leave them covered with a towel at room temperature for one night and one day, a few more hours, or leave them in the oven at low temperature (50 to 70) depends on how you want them to dry. Finally

separate them a bit 'together and arrange in a glass jar, ready for use. You can not separate one for a perfectly, but this matters little in the mix.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Canada Drivers Licence Templates

dried bread into a masala-scented French toast

At this time also because of the cold and short days I feel in the mood to bake and I must say .... I say softly for luck, not that the products are not bad.
the feast of bread Bressanone I had already taken some flour mixed with yeast added ..... now that I think that is what I can to make bread? certain is that meals are great and the soaring right, I do not do anything but put more spices or seeds that inspire me and water.
This time it was the turn of the white bread that I flavored with two teaspoons masala for vegetables, bread came out smelling of exotic
^___^ I do not know how far market, I think more than anything else in the northeast, for which you may choose a windmill in your neighborhood that already produces flour mix, or put your yeast and seeds.

Ingredients: 500 gr. white bread flour mix Rieper, 330 - 350 of warm water, 2 teaspoons masala for vegetables.

Preparation : Add two teaspoons masala for vegetables to the flour and stir, add water gradually until dough is smooth and homogeneous, cover with a damp cloth and let rise in a warm place , like 30 degrees with the oven door just barely open for 30 to 40 minutes. Take back the dough and make it a cylinder without stretching it to work it, fold it in half and twist. Return it to rise for another half hour into the mold that will go in the oven. Preheat oven to 200 degrees and bake for 30 minutes, do the toothpick test and if dry bake bread and make it cool on a wire rack.

Once cooled this is how I transformed
two slices of good bread in a warm and delicious French toast for brunch at home.
I found the idea in the book opposite, with small variations are prepared me happy, it's always nice to have but tasty alternative to fast when the desire to cook is an option.

Ingredients: Two slices of toast, two teaspoons of butter to which I have mixed a teaspoon of mustard grains, half-ripe but firm pear, parmesan cheese best when fresh, in mieleaceto pleasure, pinch of salt.

Preparation : The
mieleaceto vinitaly I bought the product and is a good, if not you can always do it yourself by putting a bit of honey to heat and add balsamic vinegar, leave until they are well blended and vinegar is reduced the most liquid evaporates (few minutes), allow to cool before using it, so that the density-candy buyback.

Spread slices with butter on one side and a pinch of salt. Peel the pear and cut into thin strips.
shaved parmesan cheese and place it on your bread buttered on the side not, pour a little vinegar, honey and put on the sliced \u200b\u200bpear, a little more 'cover with vinegar, honey and other parmesan cheese and close the toast with the buttered side out.

Now you just need to put it in the toaster or like I did before I toasted the slices in a buttered pan and then once filled and closed past the microwave oven with grill.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Hide Peek A Boo Highlights

US / East Coast - Philadelphia

Today no recipes, we start from where we were ( Washington) at a time in Philly.

from Union Station in Washington to the station in Philadelphia, that I was not particularly impressed, Philadelphia, Philly said confidently, has a financial business district with some skyscrapers to a handful of miles. from the station, while the rest of the city is on a human scale and the visit very well walk also discovering areas where the rails do not speak ....... of course there are also other transport, However, not having them used I can not tell. To visit may be enough for two to three days depending on whether you plan to visit museums as well as the city and its historical sites.

among the skyscrapers sometimes trapped construction of a more modest who showed off their wheels .......

e se non intrappolano altre costruzioni, fanno da specchio a tutto quel che li circonda.......

da boulevard J.F.Kennedy si vede in lontananza una torre che svetta con una grande statua proprio a fare da puntale......

la torre è la torre dell'orologio e fa parte del complesso del municipio ispirato  nella sua architettura all'architettura del Louvre......

l'orologio che sta sotto alla statua ha delle dimensioni decisamente rilevanti, e supera di gran lunga its rival London Big Ben, in fact, the diameter is 8 feet, the minute hand is 4.5 m. and the hour of 3.8 m.

the person who has deserved to be placed so high is Mr. William Penn who was the founder of Pennsylvania, the state that has as its capital Philadelphia. W. Penn in 1681 by the English King had full powers to govern the time those territories colonized by England and thought of the name by combining the name Penn of Pennsylvania, to honor his father, Sylvania of the kind of wooded land , hence the name and then Pennsylvania.

He measures because you do not miss the fact is cm. it has a height of 13 meters and is the world's tallest sculpture on top of a building.
Until 1987, it was the height limit of the other buildings, but then got the better of the skyscrapers!

a sculpture in honor of Benjamin Franklin .........

Next to city hall there is a building that looks like a cathedral, it is actually a Masonic temple.

but we get the miles in an area called the most historic states, viewed from the visitor center , where he collects the ticket is free, but indicates the time of the visit to the historic site .......... .. that block red and white, in fact ......

is part of a site consists of a set of similar buildings and a park, then the politicians here have come together to give life to the United States we know today ...... .

site is called the Independence National Historical .....

begin to ........ enter the hall where the congress was approved documents to the U.S. Constitution is here, a little 'what is now the capitol which is Washington ... of very different sizes. .....

a ranger will guide and will begin their exhibition illustrating this picture ........ which is the hall of congress .........

where delegates from 13 colonies July 4th, 1776 approved and signed the declaration of independence ......... and this is the room from the truth ........

always in this room, in 1777, it was agreed the design of the flag of the United States;

but here we enter the old city hall where he met the first U.S. Supreme Court at the dawn of the nation .....

and here it is from the truth .........

with details on the table ...... I must say that although it is not our history, and accustomed to opulence throughout American quel che fanno, emoziona e sorprende un po'  camminare nelle stanze abbastanza modeste  dove è nata la grande e direi anche esagerata nella sua manifestazione di potenza, nazione  degli stati uniti che ora conosciamo.........

anche i primi 5 presidenti hanno vissuto qui nei piani superiori, dato che Philadelphia è stata anche  la prima capitale dal 1790 al 1800...

e queste sono due delle stanze che ospitavano il presidente di turno.........

la via in cui si trovano questi edifici è la chestnut street che conduce porto fluviale dove il grande fiume Delaware è attraversato dal Franklin bridge.........

tornando indietro dal porto e girando in market street si arriva......

al primo ufficio postale............che è attiguo alla casa di Benjamin Franklin............

della quale però di originale è rimasto solo.....

l'ingresso al cortile, che conduce ad un museo sotterraneo dove hanno raccolto furniture and objects that belonged to Franklin ....

such as these laws for 4 musicians ........( the other photos you save, the light has not allowed a girlfriend)

In Philadelphia There are two important markets, one is completely covered and the Reading Terminal Market, the other is the italian open air market, we'll see ....

if you go there between Monday and Friday, you'll find the Amish, a community that lives in the greater Pennsylvania and recognize the fact that cover all equal and in an almost monastic style, the women always wear the white cap if they are married, if they are single black dress and gray males dressed in dark .... and once you are married, grow a beard ... .. photographers will not like them, so it is best to do so by pretending to frame something else .......

sell their products made, for the most part there at the time, lead a life of simplicity and humility which translated basically means that they move in a carriage, did not have electricity for farmers most and the greatest sin seems to be the pride, the surplus beyond what is essential for living is abolished in practice ....... definitely living out of this world ..... here preparing the delicious pretzel ... more news here

but the slices of packaged cakes were really just a continuous temptation .... better leave ....

market as well as sell products both fresh, has already made up, there are also the gastronomy and not only American but from different countries, so you can go around the world tasting the Chinese noodles, sausages Mexican rather than French cheeses and of course the Italian pizza .........

and also the bulk pickles ....

honeycomb containing honey ......

that if the watermelon roll, dressed in yellow ...... who knows whether it is natural or transgenic .....

ears at will ........

they came to this stall smelled a strange odor was wondering what could be .... il coriandolo ........ 

ciliegie bianche e ciliegie rosse.......

pomodorini a pera rossi e gialli.....

lego per giocare prima ....... caramelle per mangiare poi

qui vi sono tutte le spezie o quasi, del  mondo.......mai viste tutte in una volta.....

then who decides to lend him a lustratina shoes ..........

and those who decide to take this opportunity to grab a bite .... we must also two .....

but now we go a bit 'a stroll to look around aimlessly .....

noticed on my return, that the number of photos I took of the stairs I was particularly attracted to iron ........

and even the red-brick Victorian houses .............

?.... and those little doors on the sidewalk where someone suddenly comes out .... I remember the films of Charlie Chaplin ........

just outside the main bustle, lie much quieter streets that are sure to be in a big city .........

and even homes not only to Victorian style but of stone, surely the first time ...... 900

and what about this lock hook ...... I have not figured out how they succeeded ........

we encounter in our walk of the large murals that represent moments of life .... .....

sometimes encounters among friends .......

sometimes represent work in progress .......

crafts and workshops .....

or the harvest .......

or portraits of prominent people (if I remember correctly this should be a worthy mayor)

These murals come from a project started in 1984 to combat graffiti, an art teacher thought it was best to channel these energies belonging to graffiti, once met, and seeing that they were often the real talent he invited them to dedicate themselves to the mural, the project was obviously well organized choosing Czech walls of apartment blocks where paint scenes of theme, and here are the portraits, crafts, daily life scenes and more. They are scattered around the city and reached the number of 3000, the project continues today, but if you want to know more read here .

and brings me to the Italian market that runs along the street ......... namely the 9 street, south of City .........

is a mixture of ethnicities ..... over the centuries, from seventeenth century the Dutch arrived in the area, and the nineteenth century. Jews and Italians began to arrive .......

then added in more recent African and Asian market ........... actually, it winds through the streets so it is like overflowing from the various shops they line the sides .........

obviously the names of stores or restaurants Italians are often as it is the predominant ethnic group of American generations ..... although ...

when we went it was early in the morning and there was no need to have good taste after breakfast, but I would be curious to try something in order to assess the quality .........

in these parts the technology still has not had much success ........

and after this tour we take the salute of a mayor who needless to say named Frank Rizzo and I think it is the same as the murals apparently loved the city so as to dedicate a sculpture, and leave Philly, the Big Apple is waiting for us .........