Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Interviw Questions For Post Of Equity Dealer

ciabatta dough without

Niente male anzi molto buono, girovagando nel web capito su un video dove due "pulcette" mettono le mani in pasta con una semplicità decisamente ludica, tanto  da farmi sentire candidata all'oscar dell'imbranataggine. La sfida, seppur a loro insaputa, me l'avevano lanciata e dopo averli visti  non mi potevo tirare indietro, ci riescono loro senza esperienza o conoscenza specifica perchè non posso riuscirci I??

without bread dough and it has been cooked in the pot if they have talked a long time ago now I was presented the same method of proving but simply on the pan and cook to get a loaf of bread instead of a very good ciabattona, I've rebuilt three times, and I added fennel seeds, definitely elect him my bread an Oscar!

The only thing I remember is that the time to rise from 12 to 18 hours and then go thought the day before and if the first time will seem like a break, once I saw the Results will be stupid just counting the hours in which you want to bake and count back 18 hours to find out which now form the dough.
To see the "flea" go to work here and you have the whole procedure.

Ingredients the basic recipe: 500 gr . Flour, 380 gr. Water, 9 gr. Sale, 2 g baking powder or 5 grams of yeast.

In fact I've done the last 4 ciabatta 00 gr. + 100 gr of flour. of durum and two tablespoons of fennel seeds, the bread becomes a bit more rustic.

Warning with water, is very dependent on flour, so do not pour it all at once but only 300 gr. and then a little at a time until dough is very soft but not runny otherwise the baking tray, you will form a cake than a strip ...... experience shows ^_____^
Mix using a spatula or spoon, mai le mani, vi trovereste invischiati. A me ne è servita 350 gr.

Preparazione : in una ciotola mescolare farina e lievito, rigirare, versare un po' d'acqua e impastare con la spatola aggiungere il sale e rigirare di nuovo aggiungendo l'acqua rimanente quanto basta.
Coprite con la pellicola l'impasto e sistemate la ciotola in un luogo riparato per 18 ore, ora che è inverno occorrono tutte, oppure se volete ridurre i tempi riscaldate a 30 gradi il forno tenendolo con fessura aperta, oppure in alternativa lasciate la lucina accesa e mettete all'interno l'impasto a riposare, comunque il riposo di lievitazione Recommended ranges from 12 to 18 hours.

Once the dough to rise, with the aid of a spatula transfer the dough on a sheet of parchment paper on the already stretched and floured baking tray, sprinkle the dough and dates the form of a strip stretching with his fingertips, let it rise another two hours and then bake at 210 degrees for 35 - 45 minutes .


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