Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Xanax Befor Brazilian

prawn stew with saffron

A couple times a week here you eat fish, shellfish and I love so I'm always looking for new recipes, though sometimes I want you just steamed with salad cool.
The type I prefer are the tiger prawns or , which are not actually shrimp although very similar but are larger and delicate flavor, if you are lucky enough to find the freshest you will not even need to add salt since will have its tasty.
This time I found this recipe quite easy but original and in touch with piĆ¹ sia di colore che di sapore per via dello zafferano. Me la son segnata fra le ricette da rifare!!

Ingredienti per due : due manciate di "gamberoni" mazzancolle,  1 cipollotto fresco, 2 pomodori,  4 cucchiai di olio, una spolveratina di zafferano, due dita di vino bianco, 10 ml. di brandy, 250 ml. di brodo di pesce, mezzo cucchiaino di fecola, una noce di burro, sale e pepe.

Preparazione : togliere il carapace e tenere da parte,  aiutandovi con uno stuzzicadenti, togliete il filo scuro sul dorso delle mazzancolle. Mettete i gusci e i "gamberi" con una fettina di cipolla e un pezzetto di carota in 300 ml. di acqua salata e fate bollire, after removing a couple of minutes for shrimp (keep them warm by covering with aluminum foil) and leave the rest to boil for about 15 minutes to get the stock.

Blanch the tomatoes after they are engraved in Part 4 of the stalk, in boiling water, peel and cut into cubes. Put the finely chopped onion to simmer with olive oil and some water for a few minutes. Add onions to the broth, saffron and wine reduce by leaving 1 / 3.

Dissolve the starch in the brandy and pour in the reduction and cook for 2 minutes to thicken. Combined with a knob of cold butter, the diced tomatoes and let it just to mix, season with salt and putting Serve dipping the prawns in the middle with a little 'of the sauce. Garnish with parsley leaves.


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