Saturday, May 10, 2008

Expired Military Overseas Drivers License

I can find some videos online with the television themes of past years? Is a person

In internet, con youtube, si possono trovare tantissime sigle televisive di anni passati.
Diversamente dal solito, quest'oggi , non farà domande e risposte, ma soltanto link diretti ai video.
Buona visione.

La sigla di " Solletico "
Solletico è stato un programma televisivo per ragazzi andato in onda dal 1994 al 2000 su Rai Uno e condotto principalmente da Mauro Serio.

La sigla di "Che fine ha fatto Carmen Sandiego?"
Cartoon based on the series of educational games for your computer featuring Carmen Sandiego. He went on Rai in the mid 90s and has a total of 40 episodes, spread over four seasons.
in the early 90s was also broadcast the game, inspired by the cartoon, led by Mauro Serio Giorgia Trasselli.

The abbreviation of "The Original Ghostbusters" (the monkey)
The Original Ghostbusters, which aired between 1975 and 1990.

The abbreviation of "Games without Frontiers"
TV game show, whose first edition was aired in 1965 and then every summer without interruption until 1982, after a break of some years, the program began in 1988 and went on until 1999, again on Raiuno.

The abbreviation of "Lunch is served
Lunch is served is a competition designed and conducted by Conrad, aired on Channel 5 from 13 September 1982-12 September 1992 and on Channel 4 since 14 September 1992 to June 19, 1993.

The symbol "Superclassifica Show
Superclassifica Show was a weekly television program that informed the music charts music discs. The transmission was combined with the weekly TV smiles and songs and was conducted by Maurizio Seymandi 1978 to 1995 on Channel 5.

stands for "Not the Rai"
RAI is not the title of a TV show created by Gianni Boncompagni and Irene Ghergo, broadcast on 9 September 1991 to June 30, 1995 on Channel 5 and Italy 1.

stands for "Drive In"
Drive In is a comedy television program on Sunday evening in Italy first aired from 1983 to 1988 (the first episode was broadcast on 11 October), designed by Antonio Ricci and sent to Italy 1.

The abbreviation of "Happy Days"
Happy Days is a sitcom for U.S. television's popularity success and aired for the first time in the United States from 1974 to 1984. While in Italy the first episode was broadcast on August 12, 1977 Raiuno

The abbreviation of "Friends Monsters"
Friends Monsters is a 1992 television program, aired on TMC and conducted by Alessia Marcuzzi and Mauro Serio .

The abbreviation of "Bim Bum Bam"
Bim Bum Bam is a container for boys sent in 1982 by North Antenna, 1983 to 1990 on Italy 1, 1990 to 1997 and on Channel 5 from 1997 to 2002 Italy back to 1.

The abbreviation of "Monday Movies"
Container evening Raiuno who shall every time a film, usually at first sight.

The abbreviation of "Telemike"
Telemike was a famous quiz show hosted by Mike Bongiorno, aired on Channel 5 from 1 October 1987 to spring 1992.


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