Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Dunk Tank For Rent In Singapore

fritole de

While eating and enjoying dishes always taste my land ever since I was born I realized it when I had already come of age, especially after I had been married with the marriage as "the burden" to find that those 4 circles that were lit were part of an appliance called stove ....... In fact, having the good fortune of having a mother who has always been superlative as a cook I enjoyed it but I do not care how you make those good meals, even for me and I thought that was normal in all other families this happened, but then discover which for various reasons, was not exactly so.

not interested to put the finger in the pie except for occasional cakes I ever ate despite my many questions on ......... palate was pleased, and I trusted blindly in home cooking, mother belongs to that class cooking eye and would not have been able to give me recipes with precise doses ..... not this is necessary then to much, she always manages all .... I never saw the likeness of a schiacciatina cakes or dumplings like stones, but as I am able to do even with precise recipes.
Now, however, perhaps because the maturity .... there is a time for everything ^____^ I thought to put into practice what I have so far "just" passively, although it is always a good subject .... .

I thought I'd start with a typical trick of Verona during the carnival, the fritole de pomi .....per i fuori zona - le frittelle di mele - non sono riuscita a trovare notizie sulle loro origini, ma credo visto gli ingredienti, siano nate per usare, come spesso avveniva in tempi più semplici e meno prosperosi, gli ingredienti che erano la base delle dispense.........pane, uova, farina, mele.

Un dolcetto che faccio partecipare alla raccolta tutta italiana di Francesca .

Oggi diventano anche un modo diverso per usare il pane raffermo che si trasforma il più delle volte in pane per impanatura.              

I've done the original version and I tried also fried in the oven. Two different stocks, the first a swollen pancake with a light crust and an interior full and creamy, and the second an apple donut still good with the consistency of a pancake that has the advantage of being good the next day, while the first are best appreciated if it remains hot and therefore, better heat them in the oven.

Ingredients: 100 gr. stale pieces of bread (mine was like ciabatta), 25 gr. sugar plus additional for dusting the end, 1 large egg, 110 gr. flour, 250 ml. milk, 250 gr. apple, organic lemon zest, raisins to taste, a glass of grappa, olive oil for frying.

Preparation: combine the lemon rind with the milk and bring to a boil, remove from heat and pour the bread and let it cool and good to dunk. Peel apples and cut into small cubes then put them together in a bowl with the 25 gr. sugar, flour, egg, bread soaked in grappa and warmed before and mash with a fork, mix well together to achieve a consistent dough slightly.
Put to heat the oil in a small saucepan so that you do not use much oil to get the dose to dive into the batter, you just fry 3 pancakes at a time so the temperature will remain at the right point. Once drain on kitchen paper, pass them in sugar and enjoy.
While half the dough I put a spoon spread the baking tray covered with baking paper and bake 200 degrees until they are golden (about 20 minutes)


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